NSLS Sigma Alpha Pi

Welcome to BGSU Chapter of National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). The BGSU Chapter was established in 2010 and is a student lead honor society. Our chapter President is Kalli Gregory (gregork@bgsu.edu). The chapter advisor is Dr. Todd Cramer (cramert@bgsu.edu), School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations.
Fall 2023 we are welcoming new members to join us for an active year of engagement with BGSU events! Honor society candidates are encouraged to attend induction activities to become eligible to earn scholarships, excellent networking opportunities, as well as career development and leadership resources!
For questions please feel free to send email to Kalli Gregory (gregork@bgsu.edu) or Dr. Todd Cramer (cramert@bgsu.edu) and we will gladly share more information. We look forward to further developing our chapter website to provide specific scheduling details for events, and additional information about our chapter members.
Updated: 10/23/2023 11:55AM