Poster Presenters Info-old

Judges Score Sheet for Poster Presenters 2021

How to write an abstract/abstract example.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

The poster presentations will be conducted similar to those made by scientists and engineers at their professional meetings. Be prepared to interact with distinguished faculty from BGSU. 

A list of the references on which the research is based can be included in the display. The display can include examples of how the research can be used for practical applications.


A 4’ wide by 3’ tall display area will be available for each student. The student should construct individual placards with the student’s name, title of research, and an abstract in addition to the sections of the scientific method. Pictures, graphs, and charts may be included. See example below.


Download the above example.

Instead of individual placards, the student may display a professional, light-weight, roll-up poster similar to the displays at scientific meetings. However, this technology is expensive and is not available to most junior high and senior high schools. If there are errors in the constructing of the display, individual placards are easier and less expensive to replace.


  • Clarity in stating the research question(s) and aim of the investigation
  • The significance of the research in advancing scientific knowledge
  • Identification of the important variables
  • Appropriateness of research equipment and methods
  • Quality and quantity of data and the degree that it supports the conclusions
  • Explanation of limitations in the data and conclusions
  • Originality of the research topic

The poster judging will be divided into three groups: the 8th Grade group, the 9th and 10th Grade group, and the 11th and 12th Grade group. The judging committees will view each poster presentation on Thursday, and will select the finalists in each group to be honored at the Awards Ceremony on Friday.

The Poster

The poster is a hybrid between the research paper and the oral presentation.

Most of the comments from the preceding pages also apply to posters. However, this section will emphasize the differences and unique aspects of poster presentations.

The poster contains the following sections:

  • Title
  • Student's name and school
  • Introduction
  • Hypothesis
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Abstract
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Acknowledgments


  • The most important differences are:
    • A poster is more concise since the author is present to explain and elaborate. You should typically have a single page for each section.
    • There is more emphasis on graphics.
    • You can use photographs in addition to other illustrations.
    • Figures may be in color.

Presentation: In the poster session, poster presenters remain close to their posters and are available to answer questions and discuss their research.

  • Each poster presenter will be given three (3) minutes to highlight the significance of the research to a panel of judges. Questions by the judges will follow.
  • Other participants of the Symposium will be viewing the displays during the Symposium.

Judging Criteria and Score Sheet

Poster Judging Criteria
1) Research Design

  • Clarity in stating the problem
  • Identification of important variables
  • Appropriateness of research equipment
  • Recognition of limitations in the data
  • Degree to which the data supported the conclusions
  • Originality of the research topic

2) Poster

  • Effective use of tables and/or figures in presenting data
  • Accuracy of spelling and grammar
  • Neatness and organization of poster

3) Presentation

  • Organization of presentation
  • Handling of questions from judges

Rules for Experiments Involving Non-human Vertebrates and Human Subjects Non-Human Vertebrates Rules

The Junior Science and Humanities Symposium has adopted the following rules on non-human vertebrate experimentation (adapted from Bonkalski et al., 1994).

  • Only animals that are lawfully acquired shall be used in experimentation and their retention and use shall be in every case in strict compliance with state and local laws and regulations.
  • Animals used in experimentation must receive every consideration for their bodily comfort; they must be kindly treated, properly fed, and their surroundings kept in a sanitary condition.
  • No intrusive techniques may be used, including surgery, injections, or taking of blood.
  • When animals are used by students for their education or the advancement of science, such work shall be under the direct supervision of an experienced teacher or an investigator at a research institution with an approved active protocol for the use of vertebrate animals for this research.

Human Subjects Rules

The Junior Science and Humanities Symposium has adopted the following rules on research involving human subjects (adapted from Bonkalski et al., 1994).

  • No project may use drugs, food, or beverages in order to measure their effect on a person.
  • Projects that involve exercise and its effect on pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, and so on are approved if a valid normal physical examination is on file and provided the exercise is not carried to the extreme.
  • If your research involves administration of questionnaires or surveys, a proper consent from subjects must be obtained.
  • If you are conducting research that involves human subjects and your school has no formal policy regarding such research, contact the JSHS Director for guidelines.
  • No human cultures of any type– mouth, throat, skin, or otherwise–will be allowed.
  • Tissue cultures purchased from reputable biological supply houses or research facilities are suitable.
  • The only human blood that may be used is that which is either purchased or obtained from a blood bank, hospital, or laboratory. No blood may be drawn by any person or from any person specifically for a science project. This rule does not preclude a student making use of data collected from blood tests not made exclusively for a science project. Blood may not be drawn exclusively for a science project. 

Updated: 09/22/2021 09:33AM