BGSU recognizes employee milestones at annual Service Awards
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University learning community comes together to honor employees reaching significant service milestones, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping the enriching environment at BGSU.
More than 250 Bowling Green State University faculty and staff members were honored on April 17 for their dedicated service and contributions to the learning community during the annual employee Service Awards in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union.
BGSU employees are celebrated and honored beginning with their fifth year of service and then every five years thereafter. This year, eight cohorts representing five to 40 years of service were honored. The program recognized employment milestones of 150 staff members and 116 faculty members.
“Today we not only acknowledge your years of service, but also convey our sincere appreciation for your steadfast dedication to our institution and students,” said Viva McCarver, chief human resources officer. “Each one of you being recognized today plays a pivotal role in shaping the bright and enriching environment that defines our University. Your hard work, passion and dedication has not only propelled our mission forward, but also has left a positive mark on the lives of countless students.”

Dr. Joe B. Whitehead Jr., provost and senior vice president, noted that those being honored had terms of service ranging from five to 40 years at the University.
“No matter the amount of time you’re celebrating today, your service to BGSU is highly valued and appreciated,” he said. “We thank you for all you’ve done over the years and throughout your careers. Your history here has made BGSU what it is today - a nationally recognized university committed to student success.”
BGSU President Rodney K. Rogers also thanked the faculty and staff members being honored for their combined 4,104.8 years of service.
“While that’s a measurable number, the impact that you have each and every day - that is immeasurable,” President Rogers said. “Because of the impact that you have in supporting our students and supporting each other, this campus operates and continues to evolve as a great University. The work you are doing is absolutely making a difference.”
President Rogers joined awardees on stage who had 30 or more years of service as they received glass plaques created by BGSU faculty member Joel O’Dorisio in appreciation of their dedication.
Faculty and staff members who reached 35- and 40-year milestones with BGSU also shared memories in a video presentation at the ceremony.

Sara Bushong
Christine Hess

Robert Boucher
Kelly Dove
Janet Hammersmith
Joanna Kleman
Kenneth Snead

Bradford B. Clark
Andrew Fuller
Julie A. Hamann
Irene Harris
Sri Kolla
Scott A. Lizzi
Monica A. Longmore
Scott C. Martin
Jeffery G. Miner
Sharona E. Muir
David Nagel
Angela Nelson
Sherry E. Sullivan
Sue Tomor
John G. Wade
Alison D. Wentland
Cynthia Whipple
Bai-Yau Yeh

Pamela Abbott
Craig Bell
Kathryn Boyle
Jeffrey A. Brown
Susan Brown
Becky Buchanan
Siew Burroughs
Kay D. Carpenter
Yiwei Chen
Thomas Cummings
Sylvia Cuthbert
James Dachik
Leigh Devine
Kerry S. Fan
Michael Geusz
Stan G. Guidera
Michelle Heckman
Nicholas J. Hennessy
Robert Huber
David J. Jackson
Joshua A. Johnson
Edgar Landgraf
Andrew Layden
Bonnie Mitchell
Evelyn S. Mueller
Dara R. Musher-Eizenman
Lori Nachtman
Patrick Pauken
Sheri Quiroga
Marlene Reynolds
John J. Rizziello
Brian D. Rohrs
Robert S. Satterlee
Kevin W. Schempf
Raymond G. Schneider
Bobbi D. Smith
Jeffrey Snyder
Mark Strang
Christa Thompson
Rachel Vannatta

William Albertini
Delia Baldonado
James Barnes
Christy Boggs
Per Broman
Melissa Burek
Brian Campbell
Jose Cardenas
Jadwiga Carlson
Amelia Carr
Donald L. Clement
Abigail Cloud
Becca Cragin
Ann M. Darke
Jeremy L. Davies
Laney Fugett
Roberta Garcia
Jodi Gebauer
Enrique Gomezdelcampo
Barbara Henry
Tracy Huziak-Clark
John Kloor
Jon J. Luidhardt
Rebecca Mancuso
Rebecca S. McDonald
Gary L. Oates
Clayton G. Peterson
Susan D. Pickens
Scott R. Piroth
Amy Robinson
Christopher Rump
Michele A. Schwamberger
Becky S. Sharp
Amy Thomson
Glenn P. Tiede
David Tobar
Kerrie Turner
Jeremy Wallach
Daniel E. Williams
Ian Young
Laurel Zawodny

Andres Alvarez
Emily Anzicek
Jeremy Bechstein
Kurt Bechstein
David F. Bixler
Pascal A. Bizarro
Michelle R. Brodke
Scott M. Burgy
Jacob N. Burgoon
Deborah Carden
Sara L. Chambers
Haley Collingwood
Kyle Crawford
Kate E. Dellenbusch
Andrea E. Depinet
Erik Eid
P.J. Enright
Amy Foust
Irina V. Franke
Meredith Gilbertson
Nicholas Hafner
Lauren E. Hall
Lenee Hammersmith
Amy Hernandez
Robert Kline
Amanda Koba
Jong Kwan “Jake” Lee
Bradley Leigh
Maggie M. Leonard
Solungga Liu
Lloyd M. Lohr
Sue E. McComas
Brooke G. McGraw
Mariana Mitova
Joel T. O’Dorisio
Andrea L. Schneider
Jennifer Stucker
Carolyn Tompsett
Kimberly Traver
Michael E. Weber
Hsueh-Sheng Wu
Elizabeth L. Zemanski

Megan C. Ashker
Jenifer M. Baranski
Laura Barned
Eric Bell
Eileen Bosch
Mark Bratt
Michael Brown
Thomas Daniels
Kent A. Davidson
Dilum P. De Silva
Jennifer Emptage
Robert Green
Derrick Hill
Sarah Jurden
Margo Kammeyer
Sidra M. Lawrence
Liuling Liu
Mohammad Mayyas
Viva McCarver
Kevin E. McCluney
Steven P. Messenger
Anita Simic Milas
Emmalou E. Millis
Subhalakshmi Nagarajan
Adaeze O. Ochieze
Kristin D. Peiffer
Eric Rumschlag
Michael A. Smith
Laura L. Stafford
Mathew Sweet
Keisha M. Taylor
Geofrey L. Tracy
Kim Waterfield
Paul Willis

Ashley R Ajemigbitse
Rebecca M. Axe
Neil Baird
Katherine Barker
Abhishek Bhati
Robb Borders
Kristi R. Brandeberry
Travis Brown
Stephen T. Brown
Jay R. Buchanan
Michelle Bussard
Jaclyn B. Calderon
John E. Campbell
Julia M. Campenni
Ricardo Carvacho
James R. Ciesla
Pamela Conlin
Diane Conway
David Crow
Anthony E. Dean
David Denison
Britni A. Dickson
Patricia Donnelly
Rebecca Eggleston
David Florea
Jill Foos
Lori Fox
Mark Fox
Jennie Gallimore
William H. Giesige
Tonisha L. Gordon
Kyle T. Hallock
Tesfu A. Hambir
Brian P. Heilmeier
James Heilmeier
Katrina Heilmeier
Frederick Henry
Reginald Jackson
Erin R. James
Taylor Jefferson
Justin D. Johnston
Lisa Jones
Ariel Kasler
Jonathan C. Kershaw
Puneeth Kollaparti
Oyebanjo Lajubutu
Avery T. Lane
Dorothy K. Laforce
Dena L. LaPolt
Jinha Lee
Ruinian Li
Scot Loeffler
Marco Mendoza
Sharon A. McIntosh
Isha Muthreja
Lori A. Naugle
Ann E. Neely
Dana Nemeth
Cindy Odell
Jeanette M. Peeples
Rickey D. Perkins
John A. Powers
Rachel Reimund
Briana Reithmeier
Colleen Rerucha
Scott E. Rose
Beth A. Sanders
Jennifer Sayre
Kelli Schneider
Wan Shen
Penny K. Soboleski
Tianyi Song
Paul Standinger
Casey Stark
Debra Streng
Megan Thompson
Kevin Tolbert
Jenny L. Toonstra
Coltilde Torres
Kyle Trent
Dennis W. Voss
Maxwell D. Warner
Jordan Wilfong
Jari G. Willing
Yevgeny Yontov
Elizabeth Young
Francine Zhang
Hualiang W. Zhou
Mo Zolfagharian
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Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349
Updated: 05/16/2024 09:32AM