Students graduate with prestigious University Honors

The criteria for graduating with University Honors, one of BGSU’s highest honors, include the successful completion of 20 hours of Honors courses, a 3.5 grade point average and completion of an interdisciplinary Honors Project.

The Honors Project is a culmination of a student’s education in the Honors College, their academic discipline, and their co-curricular experiences. This capstone project is interdisciplinary in nature and includes a justification of the methodology, theory, or idea used as its foundation. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate learning within four learning outcomes: oral communication, written communication, integrative learning and critical thinking.commencement 52

Projects range from community based research and intervention opportunities to a book of poetry. Students present their work at BGSU’s Annual Research Symposium as well as regional and national conferences.

We are very proud of our students!

Congratulations to the following students who graduated with University Honors:

Chelsea Adams
A Chapter Book of Feminist Poetry

Becca Klaver, English, Distinguished Visiting Writer
Dr. Sandra Faulkner, School of Media and Communication

Tyler Anthony
Connecting Communities and Building World Language Proficiency

Dr. Brigid Burke, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Susana Juarez, Romance and Classical Studies

Drew Ashby-King
#BG4Unity: Testing the Effectiveness of Social Media Activism Workshop

Dr. Lisa Hanasono, School of Media and Communication
Dr. Krishna Han, Office of Multicultural Affairs

Sarah Bail
Vegetative Rapid Assessment and Habitat Quality Analysis of Steidtmann Woods

Dr. Daniel Pavuk, Biological Sciences
Holly J. Myers, School of Earth, Environment, and Society

Adrianne Beer
Sexual Assault Education, Using Community Based Participation Research Strategies to Draft a Creative Solution

Dr. Kate Magsamen Conrad, School of Media and Communication
Larissa Szporluk, English

Jessica Bertke
Design of Christopher Shinn’s The Coming World

Steve Boone, Theater and Film
Dr. Heath Diehl, Honors and English

Alison Bixler
Family-friendly Science: Family Engagement in Early Childhood STEM Education

Dr. Alicia Mrachko, School of Teaching and Learning
Eric Mandell, Physics

Lindsay Bolding
Facilitating Communication in Residential Facilities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Christie Routel, School of Intervention Services
Laura Schrock, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Emily Boyle
An Interrogation of Turnover Antecedents at GKN DRIVELINE, INC.

Dr. Michael Zicker, Psychology
Dr. Margaret Brooks, Management

Heidi Brubaker
Fundamental Frequency Characteristics of Modal and Vocal Fry Registers

Dr. Jason Whitfield, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Jane Schoonmaker Rodgers, College of Music

Vanessa Burke
The Good and the Bad of Workplace Gossip

Dr. Russell Matthews, Psychology
Dr. Margaret Brooks, Management

Katelyn Carle

Sara Chambers, Theater and Film
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors

Vivian Carney
Community Connectedness within the LGBTQ+ Community

Dr. Derek Mason, Social Work
Dr. Karen Guzzo, Sociology

Giannina Celis
The Gender Salary Gap and Race: A Case of Educated Individuals

Dr. Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, Political Science
Dr. Mary Ellen Benedict, Economics

Baxter Chambers
BGSU Department of Theater and Film Elsewhere: “Two Rooms” by Lee Blessing
Sara Chambers, Theater and Film
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors

Myka Chavez
The Achievement Gap: A Dual Nation Perspective

Dr. Trinka Messenheimer, School of Intervention Services
Dr. Tim Murnen, School of Teaching and Learning

Jackson Chory
Creating Photoresponsive Hydrogels From Plant-based Polymers for Tissue Engineering

Dr. Alexis Ostrowski, Chemistry
Dr. Steven Chung, Chemistry

Ellie Clark
Applying GIS Technology in Airport Management

Dr. Yu Zhou, School of Earth, Environment, and Society
Dr. Royce Ann Martin, Engineering Technologies

Samantha Clonch
Active Learning, Primary Documents, and Complex Events: Reinvigorating History Education

Dr. Andrew Schocket, History
Dr. Nancy Patterson, School of Teaching and Learning

Ann Conroy

Dr. Trinka Messenheimer, School of Intervention Services
Colleen Boff, University Libraries

Danya Crow
Differential Education and the Revolutionary War

Christie Routel, School of Intervention Services
Dr. Ben Greene, History

Alexis Decker
Assessing Spanish-Speaking Children: A Comparison of International Practices

Dr. Virginia Dubasik, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Cynthia Ducar, Romance and Classical Studies

Tabitha DiBacco
The Effect of Self-Esteem on Perceptions of Abuse

Dr. Dara Musher-Eizenman, Psychology
Dr. Kate Magsamen-Conrad, Media and Communication

Madeleine Drees
Prevalence of Disordered Eating in College Students by Predominant Exercise Type

Dr. Mary-Jon Ludy, Public and Allied Health
Dr. Carrie Hamady, Public and Allied Health

Jane Dreier
Voices in Treble: Exploring Vocal Health Among Student Singers

Dr. Emily Pence Brown, College of Musical Arts
Dr. Laura Schrock, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Jordan Eng
The Economics of Immigration in France

Dr. Katherine Kontak, Economics
Dr. Deborah Schocket, Romance and Classical Studies

Jessica Fix
Marching Band and College Transition

Dr. Charlie Steele, Center for Family and Demographic Research
Dr. Phillip Welch, Public Administration

Kelly Frailly
Program Notes and Translations

Dr. Eftychia Papanikolaou, College of Musical Arts
Chelsea Cloeter, College of Musical Arts

Nicholas Frank
Integrating Technology to Improve Communicative and Cultural Proficiency

Dr. Brigid Burke, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Susana Juarez, Romance and Classical Studies

Max Funk
The Neon Gods We Made

Dr. Ruth Wallis Herndon, History
Heejoo Kim, Digital Arts

Madeline Garlough
Professional Development Experience for Managing Childhood Anxiety within the Classroom

Dr. Alicia Mrachko, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Annette Mahoney, Center for Family and Demographic Research

Daniel Gerken
Breakfast: The Musical

Lucas Ostrowski, Theater and Film
Dr. Christopher Cavera, Media and Communications

Talia Gibson
Effects of Meditation on Brain Structure

Dr. Verner Bingman, Psychology
Dr. Sherona Garrett-Ruffin, Psychology

Jacqueline Gilbride
Social Studies Middle Childhood Education OAE Economics Workshop

Dr. Mary Ellen Benedict, Economics
Matt Clark, School of Teaching and Learning

Emily Gill
Prevalence of Muscle Dysmorphia in College-Students by Predominant Exercise Type

Dr. Mary-Jon Ludy, Public and Allied Health
Carrie Hamady, Public and Allied Health

Cody Goetting
Gender and Sexual Norms of the Ancient Greeks and Romans

Dr. James Pfundstein, Romance and Classical Studies
Dr. Kristie Foell, German, Russian, and East Asian Languages

Gregory Grecco
Impact of Common Clandestine Structural Modifications on Synthetic Cathinone "Bath Salt" Pharmacokinetics

Dr. Jon Sprague, Forensic Science
Dr. Travis Worst, Chemistry
Dr. David Kisor, Manchester University School of Pharmacy

Courtney Griffith
A Correlation between GPA and Physical Therapy Treatment Compliance

Dr. Rebecca Fallon, Public and Allied Health
Dr. Amy Morgan, School of Human Movement and Leisure Studies

Jacob Gusching
BGSU Minecraft EDU Initiative Website

Mark Stevens, School for Teaching and Learning
Travis Sheaffer, Computer Science

Ryan Hankins
A Comprehensive Computer Aided Tool for Evaluating Mid - Level Managers

Dr. Clare Barratt, Psychology
Dr. Robert Green, Computer Science

Benjamin Hardy
Silver Nanoparticles as potential Solar Absorber

Dr. Farida Selim, Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Andrew Layden, Physics and Astronomy

Brittany Haynes
Kicking Cultural Assumptions: What to Expect When You're Expecting (to Study Abroad)

Dr. Cynthia Ducar, Romance and Classical Studies
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors

Spring Healy
The Dancing Madwoman

Dr. Kimberly Coates, English and Women’s Studies
Dr. Phil Dickinson, English

Megan Hemmelgarn
Effectiveness of Food-Demos to Increase Nutrition Knowledge

Dr. Robin Tucker Falconer, Public and Allied Health
Daria Blachowski-Dreyer, Food and Nutrition

Allison Humbert
The Role of Acetylation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides Photosynthesis

Dr. Peter Blass, Chemistry
Tamera Wales, Biological Sciences

Katelyn Jakyma
Evaluation of Learning Assistant Training Seminar Effectiveness

Dr. Karen Sirum, Biological Science
Staci Freeworth, Public and Allied Health

Megan Janosky
Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom Management Plan

Mary Ann Culver, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Starr Keyes, School of Intervention Services

Jamie Justice
Straying by Stocked Steelhead Trout

Dr. Jeffrey Miner, Biological Sciences
John Farver, Earth, Environment, and Society

Anya Kaiser
American Exceptionalism and Distrust in Government

Dr. Neal Jesse, Political Science
Dr. Phil Dickinson, English

Arata-Enrique Kaku
Uncovering the Influence of Musical Experts on Copyright

Dr. Eftychia Papanikolaou, College of Musical Arts
Dr. Nora Engebretsen-Broman, College of Musical Arts

Evan Kelly
It’s a League Game

Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors
Dr. Becca Cragin, Popular Culture

Kyle Kostenko
Brahm's first Clarinet Sonata

Kevin Schempf, School of Musical Arts
Dr. Gregory Decker, School of Musical Arts

Samuel Laderach
Student Created Test Sheets

Sandra Zirkes, Mathematics and Statistics
Dr. Yiwei Chen, Psychology

Kelly Largent
Preservice Teacher Development through Math Camp Involvement
Dr. Gabriel Matney, School of Teaching and Learning
Sheryl Krotzer, School of Teaching and Learning

Kimberly Lentz
Teacher Intervention used to Reduce Test Anxiety

Dr. Daria Fillipova, Mathematics and Statistics
Jake Burgoon, Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy

Lindsay Lesh
How Sheet Shape Affects Graphene's Simulated Electron Diffraction Pattern

Dr. Glenn Tiede, Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Eric Mandell, Physics and Astronomy

Alyssa Lustgarten
Impact of Kinesthetic Learning on Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Mathematics

Dr. Gabriel Matney, School for Teaching and Learning
Dr. Christie Routel, School of Intervention Services

Stephanie Maiorano
Behavioral Effects of Environmental Enrichment Devices of Tursiops Truncatus

Dr. Verner Bingman, Biological Sciences
Dr. Dan Wiegmann, Biological Sciences

Erin McConnell
Intern for a Day

Dr. William Sawaya, Management
Tom Siebenaler, College of Business

Neisha Medina Candelaria
Molecular Analysis of β-Lactamase Genes in Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Dr. Ray Larsen, Biological Sciences
Dr. Meredith Gilbertson, Sociology

Marissa Medley

Abigail Cloud, English
Maggie Leonard, Technology, Architecture and Engineering

Ashley Meehan
Differences in Expectations of Cleanliness among Students at Bowling Green State University

Dr. Fleming Fallon, Public and Allied Health
Dr. Craig Vickio, Psychology

Carmen Meyer
Discovering the Disposition of Dysphagia Diets from a New Perspective

Dr. Brent Archer, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Donna Colcord, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Sarah Miller
Group Encouragement: Action Research on Cooperative Learning

Paul Alday, School of Media and Communications
Debra Gallagher, School of Teaching and Learning

Jocelyn Mineo
Economic Opportunity and young Adult Mortality

Dr. Kelly Balistreri, Sociology
Dr. James Albert, Mathematics and Statistics

Cameron Morrissey
Euthanasia: Ethical and Legal Implication
Dr. M. Neil Browne, Honors
Dr. Kevin Vallier, Philosophy

Lilian Murnen
Aging in Modern China: Lessons in Storytelling

Dr. Timothy Murnen, School of Teaching and Learning
Lynn Whitney, Photography

Erika Nalow
An Exploration of Recording and the Music Business

Mark Bunce, College of Musical Arts
Terry Tompkins, College of Musical Arts

Claire Nelson
Analysis of Potential Insurance for Recreational Space Flight

J. Rockne Starks, Finance
Dr. Dale Smith, Physics and Astronomy

Michaela Pendergrass
The Pygmalion Effect: The Relationship Between High School Expectations and College Performance

Dr. Mary Ellen Benedict, Economics
Dr. Arthur Yeh, Business Analytics

Tobin Pietras-Swanton
Falcons Provide

Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors
Dr. Carrie Hamady, Public and Allied Health

Sarah Pilkington
Teacher Candidates: Vocal Health

Dr. Ronald Scherer, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Mary Murray, College of Education
Brittany Perrine, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Anna Priore
Role of Binaries in Alison Bechdel’s Graphic novels

Dr. William Albertini, English
Dr. Charles Coletta, Popular Culture

Mikayla Pruitt
Piecing the Puzzle Together with the Use of Physical Therapy

Dr. Matthew Kutz, Athletic Training
Brittany Joseph, School of Intervention Services

Christopher Radcliff
Gods of Old and New

Larissa Szporluk, English
Dr. James Pfundstein, Romance and Classical Studies
Theresa Williams, English

Nicholas Redding
Tuesday in Winter Valley

Lucas Ostrowski, Theater and Film
Thomas Castillo, Theater and Film

Hannah Scheppler
Characterization of the sex linked gene CHD1 in Spheniscus Penguins

Dr. Juan Bouzat, Biological Sciences
Dr. Holly Myers, Environment and Sustainability

Christina Steward
The Relationship Between Teacher Perception and African American Male Students’ IEP Referral Rates

Dr. Hyeyoung Bang, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
Dr. Starr Keyes, College of Intervention Services

Cody Stombaugh
Biolabeling through the Use of Water-Soluble Colloidal Quantum Dots

Dr. Carol Heckman, Biological Sciences
Dr. Liangfeng Sun, Physics

Joseph Sullivan
BGSU Men’s Soccer Business Plan

Christopher Harben, Management
Michael J Cihon, Intercollegiate Athletics

Jordan Truitt
Using Educative Assessment in a Science Classroom

Dr. Sheryl Krotzer, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Jon Farver, Geology

Casey Unverferth
Teaching Creative Writing in the Age of Common Core

Dr. Tim Murnen, School for Teaching and Learning
Dr. Health Diehl, English and Honors

Rebecca Wait
Media Erotics and Adaptation: A Comparative Textual Analysis of Carmilla

Dr. Sandra Faulkner, School of Media and Communication
Dr. Julie Haught, English

Abigail Wasserman
She Done Already Done Had Herses: The Cultural Impact of RuPaul

Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors
Diana DePasquale, School of Cultural and Critical Studies

Brittany Zepernick
Assessing Vertical Migration of Harmful Algae Blooms in Lake Erie

Dr. Robert McKay, Biological Sciences
Dr. George Bullerjahn, Biological Sciences

Hallie Zimmer
Bacteriophage EMS9: Preliminary Genomic Description

Dr. Ray Larsen, Biological Sciences
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors

Updated: 01/23/2020 04:32PM