Business and Marketing Education Program celebrate

BOWLING GREEN, O.—Bowling Green State University’s Business and Marketing Education Program will celebrate the University’s 100th anniversary during a special event from 1-3:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 2, in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union.

Business and marketing education alumni, along with current and retired faculty members, will be on hand to share the history of the program and reminisce about their time at BGSU.  Scholarships and awards will be presented to current and graduating students, and the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented.

What:              BGSU Business and Marketing Education Program celebrates centennial

Where:            207 Bowen-Thompson Student Union (Mylander Room on the second floor), and Union Theater (Room 206)

When:             Sunday, May 2—Event starts at 1 p.m. with lunch (Mylander Room); program begins at 2 p.m. (Union Theater)

Available:      Dr. Robert Berns, current chair of the Business and Marketing Education Program, and former chairs Dr. David Hyslop and Dr. Mearl Guthrie


(Posted April 30, 2010 )

Updated: 12/02/2017 01:05AM