National report spotlights BGSU program

BOWLING GREEN, O.—“College Learning for the New Global Century,” a national report released this week (Jan. 10) by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) cites Bowling Green State University's BGeXperience as one program that is implementing a new set of principles of excellence in education.

AAC&U released the report from its National Leadership Council for Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) initiative. The 10-year initiative began by bringing together high-level business, education, labor, philanthropy and policy leaders to consider the needs for higher education in the 21st century. The LEAP report identifies essential aims, learning outcomes and guiding principles for a 21st-century college education, and recommends concrete changes colleges can make to achieve those goals.

The BGeXperience first-year program, which is designed to provide students with a foundation for dramatically enriching their four-year learning experience, emphasizes on ethical integrity, reflective thinking and social responsibility. The report notes that the program demonstrates "the principles in practice" for fostering civic, intercultural and ethical learning.

"BGeXperience introduces students to the practice of critical thinking about core human values and ethics as part of a broader context for learning," explained Dr. George Agich, director of the program.

"This recognition is yet another indicator that a BGSU education is on target for preparing our students for the global community," said BGSU President Sidney A. Ribeau.

The report identifies a series of effective educational practices that colleges and universities should adopt and provide to a broader group of students. In addition to first-year seminars and experiences, such as the BGeXperience, those suggested practices include: common intellectual experiences, learning communities, writing-intensive courses, collaborative assignments and projects, undergraduate research, diversity and global learning, service- and community-based learning, internships, and capstone courses and projects.

"The quality of learning, not the possession of a diploma, will determine whether the next generation can keep our economy and our democracy strong," said AAC&U President Carol Geary Schneider.

Additionally about BGSU, the report states: "By asking students to think critically about values questions without prescribing a specific set of conclusions, BGeXperience aspires to educate more ethically aware and thoughtful citizens. Those who are interested can also pursue service learning, take upper division courses that explore values in the disciplines and even become BGeXperience peer facilitators later in their undergraduate careers."

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For more information about BGeXperience, see :

Making the connection between science, values (Nov. 17, 2004)

(Posted January 12, 2007)

Updated: 12/02/2017 01:13AM