The Official Identity Colors
Our color palette is built around our primary BGSU Orange and Brown. While this palette is limited, it offers the versatility needed to keep communications looking fresh and dynamic.
These are our core colors. They identify our school and should be the most prominent colors in any piece.
BGSU Orange
Pantone® PMS 166 C
CMYK: 0C/76M/100Y/0K*
RGB: R:253/G:80/B:0*
HTML # FD5000*
BGSU Brown
Pantone® PMS 4625 C
CMYK: 0C/60M/100Y/80K*
RGB: R:79/G:44/B:29*
HTML color # 4f2c1d*
These colors add variety to the brand. Our secondary palette includes warm and cool hues that add energy and vibrancy to the BGSU Orange and Brown in the primary palette.
CMYK: 3/25/71/0
RGB: 245/193/100
HEX: #f5c163
CMYK: 25/26/39/0
RGB: 186/156/128
HEX: #b99b80
CMYK: 9/40/38/0
RGB: 227/164/146
HEX: #e3a492
CMYK: 0/65/53/0
RGB: 243/123/108
HEX: #f37b6c
CMYK: 51/10/36/0
RGB: 128/186/172
HEX: #80baac
CMYK: 88/49/47/20
RGB: 28/98/109
HEX: #1c626d
Color Ratio
Our primary colors Orange and Brown should be predominant in most layouts. Never use secondary colors in this way. By leading with our primary colors, we can celebrate the pride we have in our institution and incorporate a thoughtful amount of negative space. Rather than viewing white space as a blank area, think of it as a pause. Whether it’s in a photo or a layout, don’t rush to fill negative space. What’s absent can focus attention on the content that’s there.
Ratios on individual pages, spreads, layouts and even full communications can vary. The important thing to remember is that our primary colors should be the predominant colors overall. When viewing all the pieces the university creates and applying the “squint test” to the brand as a whole, the balance of color should feel close to what’s shown here.
Updated: 09/11/2024 11:32AM