This is the tenth year BGSU is administering the NSSE. When you take the time to tell us about your undergraduate experience at the Bowling Green State University, we take your responses very seriously. In fact, the overall results of student surveys are shared across the BGSU campus with students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

NSSE results can spotlight current campus issues and concerns. NSSE data is also used to inform improvement efforts with evidence of student engagement in effective educational practices. Data learned from NSSE can be used for assessment and improvement in a range of areas including:

·    Academic advising

·    Accreditation 

·    Enrollment management and recruiting

·    Experiences with diversity

·    Experiences with faculty

·    Faculty and staff development

·    First-year experience

·    General education

·    High-impact practices

·    Planning and accountability

·    Reporting by majors and programs

·    Service-learning

·    Student affairs

·    Transfer student experience

·    Writing programs




Updated: 12/14/2020 03:08PM