Alumni Laureate Scholarship Recipients


I am so grateful for ALS and the Honors College. The ALS scholarship and Honors College have allowed me to meet some wonderful people that have given me a great sense of community and helped me throughout my first semester of college. The ALS scholarship has also allowed me to focus on my studies without financial worry while the Honors College has pushed me to be a better student as well as a more critical thinker. This opportunity has changed my life and I can't express just how thankful I am for being a part of this community! - Shawn Cecil 


As a first-year student, I still remember the phone call informing me of my acceptance to the Alumni Laureate Scholars program through the Honors College at BGSU! I was thrilled and can happily say I'm still as excited today. Not only does the ALS program provide generous financial aid, but also the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful community that is focused on leadership and service! This group is truly special and I feel entirely blessed to be a part of it!As a first-year student, I still remember the phone call informing me of my acceptance to the Alumni Laureate Scholars program through the Honors College at BGSU! I was thrilled and can happily say I'm still as excited today. Not only does the ALS program provide generous financial aid, but also the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful community that is focused on leadership and service! This group is truly special and I feel entirely blessed to be a part of it! - Julia Amlin 


I am so honored and blessed to be a part of the PSA cohort! As leaders in the Honors College, we work together to support students and build a community through service. This program has allowed me to further my education and grow meaningful connections with both students and staff. I have already learned so much from my cohort, and I cannot wait to see how much we can do together throughout the years! - John-Michael Schmitz


The ALS program has really helped me branch out, both socially and in terms of responsibility. I'm learning to help take care of my community and also learning about people here in Ohio! The ALS Scholarship has also let me not be stressed about finances and now I'm putting my time towards my stufies. The Honors college has also helped me travel new places and experience things I'd only ever dreamed of experiencing! I still can't believe of all of these amazing opportunities and I am truly thankful for everything I've achieved!


I'm grateful for ALS because it has given me the opportunity to be a part of a supportive group on campus and give back to my community. I can go to my scholarship cohort to talk about stress from academics and even get life advice from the upperclassmen and connections on the alumni board. Because of the money graciously donated by alumni, I am able to work towards my degree in Inclusive Early Childhood Education and pursue my dreams of becoming a preschool teacher. As a member of the Honors College I have been able to challenge my thinking through honors courses and have experiences I would not be able to otherwise. I'm so excited for my future in ALS and the Honors College at BGSU! - Alice Prosser 

Updated: 09/16/2024 02:11PM