Organization Development - Archived 2017-18 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Coordinator: Tom Daniels
Address: 371 College of Business
Phone: 419-372-2488
E-mail Address:
Program Website:

Director: Dave Chatfield 419-372-2473

Assistant Director: Tom Daniels 419-372-8823  

Degrees Offered
Master of Organization Development

Program Offered
Designed for experienced managers, human resource and development professionals, owners of small businesses, and consultants, the Master of Organization Development is an executive (part-time) degree program designed to help individuals systematically transform their organizations into world-class competitors. The Executive M.O.D. combines online instruction with weekend classes during the spring, summer, and fall semesters.

This 18-month program prepares graduates to meet the leadership challenges of an ever-changing, increasingly demanding organizational environment by developing the knowledge and skill required to enhance individual, team, and organizational performance.

Admission requires a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and three or more years of full-time professional or managerial experience for admission.

Employers of executive program applicants must endorse their applicants’ participation in the program and, thereby, agree to provide students with opportunities to do research in their organizations and to apply program concepts and methods.

Prerequisites to Graduate Work

Admission Procedure

Applicants to the Executive M.O.D. program should follow the instructions outlined in the Graduate Admission section of this catalog. Applicants are reviewed by the program’s graduate advisory committee, which makes an admission recommendation to the Graduate College.

Degree Requirements

Master of Organization Development
The Executive Master of Organization Development (EMOD) program requires 18-months and 30 semester hours of graduate credit for completion. Instruction is delivered through a blend of online and on-campus Executive Residency Weekends. There are three Executive Residency Weekends per semester except during the week international study tour which takes place during the second Spring semester. The weekends are scheduled Friday from 6:00pm-10:00pm, Saturday from 8:00am-5:00pm, and Sunday from 8:00am-3:00pm. The EMOD program’s first weekend session typically is held in August. Students then proceed through a sequence of courses in accordance with a predetermined schedule. Executive students typically enroll in two courses in each spring, summer, and fall semester of the program.

The following courses are required to fulfill requirements for the degree: ORGD 6010, ORGD 6080, ORGD 6020, ORGD 6015, ORGD 6050, ORGD 6040, ORGD 6030, ORGD 6060, ORGD 6065, and the capstone course ORGD 6070. The foundation courses (ORGD 6010, 6015, 6030, and 6080) are to be completed prior to the diagnosis courses (ORGD 6040 and 6050), which are to be completed prior to the intervention courses (ORGD 6020 and 6060). The international study tour (ORGD 6065) is scheduled between ORGD 6060 and ORGD 6020. All courses through ORGD 6060 must be completed prior to enrollment in ORGD 6065. The foundation, diagnosis, and intervention courses are to be completed prior to enrolling in ORGD 6070.

Graduate Courses
Please access graduate courses online at Graduate courses offered in Organization Development use the prefix ORGD.

Updated: 10/23/2019 03:00PM