Performance Based Budgeting
Performance Based Budgeting presentation
Performance Based Budgeting Video stream
Performance Based Budgeting Membership
Rodney Rogers, Co-Chair, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sheri Stoll, Co-Chair, Vice President for Finance and Administration
Ray Craig, Dean, Arts and Sciences
Lynne Hewitt, Chair, Communications Science and Disorders
Larry Smith, Manager, Arts and Sciences - Budget Operations
Rachel Vannata, Co-Director, Center for Assessment and Evaluation
Susan Brown, Chair, Sociology Department
Danielle Parker, Undergraduate Student rep
Geof Tracy, Director, University Budgets
Julie Matuga, Director of Academic Assessment
Paul Schauer, Associate Professor, Accounting and MIS
Joel O'Dorisio, Chair, Faculty Senate
Bill Mathis, Chair, Music Performance Studies
Gail Houtz, Scholarship and Grants Coordinator, Financial Aid
Jasmine Stewart-Oliver, Graduate Student rep
Updated: 03/04/2024 04:05PM