Faculty Development Committee


To encourage and facilitate continued professional growth to strengthen faculty's ability to serve students in the present and in the future; and to recommend and provide means for faculty to carry out developmental activities in all areas of faculty functions, focusing on maintenance, revitalization and direction of academic excellence.


  1. Initiate, support and implement a variety of development activities for faculty such as workshops, exchanges, leaves, and grants;
  2. Continue to implement the Faculty Development Grant Program by:
    1. publicizing and eliciting proposals;
    2. receiving and evaluating proposals for Faculty Development Speed Grants, Development Grants, including workshops and exchanges;
    3. determining and establishing criteria for such grants;
    4. receiving and reviewing reports of projects completed;
  3. Continue to implement the Faculty Improvement Leave Program by:
    1. publicizing the program and eliciting proposals;
    2. receiving and evaluating such proposals;
    3. establishing criteria for and making recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
    4. receiving and annually reviewing leave programs completed;
    5. reviewing and reporting the disposition of all applications for leave;
  4. Seek external funding for the above programs;
  5. Maintain a liaison with the Faculty Research Committee so that areas of respective interest are clearly defined and distinguished;
  6. Communicate with faculty regarding faculty development opportunities, activities, and policies.


  • Eight elected faculty members, of whom at least four are not members of Faculty Senate: with one each from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, Firelands College, the College of Health and Human Services, the College of Musical Arts, the College of Technology, and from the Instructional Support Services;
  • One additional faculty member in first four years, appointed by the Committee on Committees for a one-year term.


  • One faculty member appointed by and from the Faculty Welfare Committee


  • A representative appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs


The chair shall be elected from among the elected members of the committee.


Three of the elected faculty members must be eligible for election to Faculty Senate (Academic Charter, Article V.B.)


All elected, appointed and ex officio members have full voting rights. If a committee member has submitted a proposal to the FDC, that committee member should recuse him or herself from discussion of and voting on his or her own proposal.  Consultants are non-voting members. (Academic Charter, Article V.B.)

2024-2025 Committee Members
Judy Jackson May 2020-24
Wendy Watson 2022-25
Dave Saltzman 2022-25
Jim Adamcik 2022-25
Edith Scarletto 2021-24
Mary Wisnom 2023-24
Amelia Carr 2023-25
Jessica Turos N/A

Updated: 01/10/2025 03:11PM