Recently Launched Components

Launched December 4, 2014

Responsive Table

Located under BGSU Category

  • Allows the creation of tables for data.
  • Tables will not break web pages when viewed on mobile devices. If it cannot shrink enough the table itself will scroll left and right.
Residence Unit Multiple Occupancy per Semester
Single Occupancy per Semester
Super Single Occupancy per Semester
Centennial Hall
$3,095.00 $3,620.00 N/A
Conklin Hall $2,750.00 $3,270.00 $3,445.00
Falcon Heights $3,095.00 $3,620.00 N/A
Founders Suites $2,925.00 $3,425.00 $3,600.00
Harshman Quadrangle $2,580.00 $3,100.00 $3,270.00
Kohl Hall $2,580.00 $3,100.00 $3,270.00
Kreischer Quadrangle: $2,580.00 $3,100.00 $3,270.00
$2,580.00 $3,100.00 $3,270.00
Offenhauer East & West Halls $2,925.00 $3,425.00 $3,600.00
Small Group (Fraternities, Sororities, Conklin Units, LaMaison
$2,750.00 $3,270.00 $3,445.00

Launched November 13, 2014

Instagram Widget

Located under BGSU Category

  • Requires Instagram Developer account.
  • Allows you to pull recent photos from an Instagram account or to display recent photos with a specific hashtag.
  • Multple display options, including a grid, and interactive slider.

Launched November 6, 2014

Accordion Dropzone

Located under BGSU Category

  • Provides an Accordion component that gives a dropzone that expands/collapses.
  • Any other components can be placed in this dropzone.
  • The expand/collapse functionality only works on published pages, not in author environment.

There are multiple components inside this accordion!

Audio Player

Located under BGSU Category

  • Themed audio player.
  • Works with audio files uploaded to the DAM.
  • 3 possible audio formats accepted. (MP3, WAV, OGG)

Video file player

Located under BGSU Category

  • For use when you are unable to host videos on YouTube or Vimeo. Vimeo/YouTube are best methods!
  • 3 possible video formats accepted - all 3 should be provided for maximum compatability
  • Allows a poster image

flickr widget

Located under BGSU Category

  • Pulls in photos from Flickr for display on website
  • Can pull in from Flickr username, album, group, keywords, or tags
  • Multiple customization options.

Launched OCTOBER 30, 2014

Countdown clock

Located under BGSU  Category

  • Allows a live countdown to a specified date/time to appear on your website.
  • A variety of preferences/styles available.
  • Combining with the background area component can achieve further style options.

until HOMECOMING 2015!

Launched September 4, 2014

BGSU Forms components

Located under BGSU Forms Category

  • Uses ITS developed MailForm application to collect and send form submissions
  • Requires a "**Form Container" to be dropped onto page first, and then BGSU Forms components can be dropped into the container to create forms.
  • Forms must be submitted to a email address
  • Every form also requires an "*Email Field" component to be functional. The email field also has the option to only allow submissions from addresses.
  • Form inputs available include...
    • Checkboxes
    • Datepicker
    • Number field (brings up number keyboard on mobile devices)
    • Radio Buttons
    • Section/Grouping Container
    • Selection List
    • Selection Menu
    • Pre-populated State Select Menu
    • Text Area
    • Text Field
  • Validation is available for required fields to be submitted before allowing user to submit.
  • Device-agnostic  layout

Launched July 31, 2014

Photo Gallery

Located under BGSU category

  • Gallery of photos selected by either DAM Folder or Tag(s).
  • Photo names are pulled from Title metadata field in DAM
  • If no photo name is supplied in metadata - uses file name
  • Allows multiple albums in each gallery
  • Allows full-screen viewing of images
  • Supports play button, shuffle, keyboard navigation, customizable thumbnail position and height

Launched July 17, 2014


Located under BGSU category

  • Styles added for Images with captions (left aligned, right aligned, and for full-width images)
  • Once image is dropped into text component, image & text need to be highlighted and then choose desired caption from style drop-down box.
  • Image & Caption Right/Left require images that are minimum 400px wide - smaller and they will be stretched to fill. Image and caption will always take 50% width of the containing area – until viewed on mobile. A full-width image needs to be large enough to fill 100% of the container area.

graduation capsThis is a full-width image and captiongraduation sorority group picThis is a Image & Caption RightLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat urna turpis, vel gravida risus cursus at. Mauris rhoncus quam a tortor rhoncus, a viverra enim auctor. Quisque convallis ipsum non magna mollis, et rutrum lectus condimentum. Vivamus condimentum mi sed auctor interdum. Praesent sed magna est. Donec nulla velit, venenatis ut consequat ut, dictum in arcu. Vivamus at ante a lorem tempor sagittis sit amet non velit. Maecenas vitae purus et lacus consequat aliquet. Aliquam sed metus quis nulla porta porttitor. Vivamus et eleifend ante. Donec cursus sapien varius tempus pretium. Nam vel metus ullamcorper, aliquet ligula quis, commodo eros. Fusce pretium, turpis nec lobortis pretium, leo est euismod tellus, et ornare ante purus a justo. Nunc aliquam neque nisl, nec dignissim est egestas non. Cras id mattis purus.

group picture infront of strohThis is an Image & Caption LeftLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat urna turpis, vel gravida risus cursus at. Mauris rhoncus quam a tortor rhoncus, a viverra enim auctor. Quisque convallis ipsum non magna mollis, et rutrum lectus condimentum. Vivamus condimentum mi sed auctor interdum. Praesent sed magna est. Donec nulla velit, venenatis ut consequat ut, dictum in arcu. Vivamus at ante a lorem tempor sagittis sit amet non velit. Maecenas vitae purus et lacus consequat aliquet. Aliquam sed metus quis nulla porta porttitor. Vivamus et eleifend ante. Donec cursus sapien varius tempus pretium. Nam vel metus ullamcorper, aliquet ligula quis, commodo eros. Fusce pretium, turpis nec lobortis pretium, leo est euismod tellus, et ornare ante purus a justo. Nunc aliquam neque nisl, nec dignissim est egestas non. Cras id mattis purus.


Located under BGSU category

  • Adds moderated commenting to page
  • Moderation is performed by Marketing & Communications

Launched July 10, 2014


Located under BGSU category

  • Can pull dynamic information from RSS or ATOM feeds (such as BGSU blogs)
  • Customizable display options for number of entries shown, byline, date, teaser
  • Includes multiple styling options for display

Launched April 24, 2014

Background area

Located under BGSU category

  • Creates a container with a customizable background color or image
  • Many customizable options including transparency
  • Background areas can be placed within one another to create specific effects
  • Example website: Homecoming 2014


Created using default background area component settings by placing in a 3/4 and 1/4 column layout.


Updated: 07/13/2021 09:27AM