Minor in Insurance and Risk Management
The Minor in Insurance and Risk Management is designed for both business and non-business students to prepare them with the academic and professional levels of education needed to advise on insurance and risk management without having to take all of the core business school requisites. The program is available to all students except BSBA students pursuing the Insurance and Risk Management Specialization.
Upon completion of the program requirements, students will gain exposure to more than 30 different career paths including Accountant, Benefits Specialist, Claims Adjuster, Claims Representative, Fraud Examiner, Insurance Agent, Loss Prevention Manager, Pricing Analyst, Risk Manager, and Underwriter. (Click Insurance Career Opportunities for description of each career path.)
Program Requirements
Insurance and Risk Management is a discipline dealing with all aspects of the Insurance industry. Minor in Insurance and Risk Management students take courses in Insurance Careers, Life and Health Insurance, Property and Liability Insurance, and Insurance Company and Agency Operations. They also select 1 elective (for non-business students) or 2 electives (for business students) from a list of Insurance and Finance courses.
Insurance and Risk Management Minor Checksheet and Course Requirements
Program Highlights:
- Industry-driven program with strong support from the State of Ohio’s Governor’s office and the Ohio insurance industry (Insuring Ohio Futures.com)
- Addressing the impending shortage of qualified insurance workers in the Ohio Insurance industry
- More than 30 different career options in the insurance industry
- The Institute of Insurance & Risk Management (IIRM) to effectively promote partnerships with the insurance industry.
- The Insurance Advisory Board comprised of insurance professionals to advise on program
- The insurance student organizations such as Gamma Iota Sigma Chapter at BGSU
To declare the Minor in Insurance and Risk Management, visit your college office (the college which houses your major).
Updated: 03/30/2023 10:19AM