Schmidthorst Student Receives National Recognition for Leadership

Jayden speaking at the conference on BGSU's campus.

With a warm smile and an unwavering enthusiasm for learning, Jayden Donald quickly established himself as a bold leader in the Schmidthorst College of Business. Jayden, a senior majoring in Finance, has continuously demonstrated his commitment to not only achieving success but investing in the success of others. Actively seeking out opportunities for continued growth and expanding his leadership, his ambition and dedication contributed to his recent accolades.

Notable leadership achievements include his role in the Business Innovation Group, a student-led organization that promotes creativity and entrepreneurship among the college's students. Under his guidance, the group organized a highly successful entrepreneurship symposium that featured industry leaders sharing insights on innovation and business development. He was also recognized with the Ray Marvin Leadership Award for the 2022-2023 academic year. The Ray Marvin Leadership Award recognizes students for leadership development and contributions to the BGSU community.

Driven and eager to learn Jayden excels in the classroom. An ongoing member of the Dean’s List, he is also a Schmidthorst College of Business Dean’s Scholar, a Thompson Family Scholar and a Ronald E. McNair Scholar. Further, his commitment to community service is present through his active volunteering across campus and in the local community.

2022-23 Schmidthorst student ambassador executive team

An active member of his fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, Jayden is a shining example of their core values. The organization promotes developing leaders, academic excellence, community service and advocacy. Embodying all these qualities, it’s clear to see why Jayden was elected to serve as the Midwestern Regional Assistant Vice President for the Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. organization. This is the highest honor a collegiate brother can achieve. He has also been recognized as an Alpha Campus Scholar and Leader for his service and high academic achievement.

"This honor is a clear representation of Jayden’s commitment to excellence and bold leadership. We are grateful to have him as a representative of the Schmidthorst College of Business and BGSU," said Jennifer Percival, Dean of the Schmidthorst College of Business.

While Jayden's achievements are impressive, it's his humility and willingness to learn that truly make him a role model for his peers and future generations. Despite his accolades, he remains approachable and eager to engage in discussions that contribute to collaboration and personal growth. We are proud to have Jayden as a member of the Schmidthorst family.

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Updated: 08/21/2023 02:35PM