New Peer Leaders Chosen to Transition Incoming Freshman Class

After its inaugural year, the College of Business Peer Leader Program is a huge success. Twenty-five Peer Leaders went through four hours of training and made contact with incoming freshmen over the summer and continued their mentoring role throughout the academic year.

The goal of the Peer Leader Program is to provide incoming students with a peer mentor during their first year at BGSU and to assist new students with the transition to college life. 

Three students describe how the Peer Leader Program was valuable to them as freshmen which motivated them to become Peer Leaders in the fall.

"Starting college with no idea of what to expect and having the help of a sophomore who had just completed the same process was very comforting. Eric Steciw was always there if I had any questions and really helped me through my first semester." ~ Kaden Nieves

“My peer leader helped ease my nerves before the first day of classes. She was more than welcoming and shared her personal college experience with me. After spending time with my Peer Leader, I truly felt welcomed into the College of Business.”  ~Jennifer Poling

"As a first year, and first generation, student, coming to college was beyond scary and stressful. It was so nice to be able to ask someone who had been in my shoes every question I could think of. It really helped having a BG peer leader who had just left my position that could answer the specific questions I had in a way that benefitted me to the maximum." ~ Rachel Wetklow

A new group of students were selected to become Peer Leaders for the Class of 2019 starting this summer and went through their training sessions.  Click here to meet the new Peer Leaders.

In addition to the selection of a new cohort of Peer Leaders, a new Peer Leader Advisory Board consisting of nine Peer Leaders from 2014 has been formed to generate ideas to improve the program, develop activities and materials for the upcoming year, and mentor and assist in the training of the new cohort of Peer Leaders.

Marketing department lecturer, Ms. Kristen Brotzki, serves as the Peer Leader faculty advisor and Mr. Mearl Sutton, marketing department lecturer, provides the mentorship and leadership training, along with Dean Ray Braun.

Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM