Loan Repayment Information
Bowling Green State University
C/O Heartland ECSI
P.O. Box 718
Wexford, PA 15090
You may also contact Heartland ECSI in the following ways:
Voice: 1-888-549-ECSI (3274)
Fax: 1-844-365-8099
Loan Frequently Asked Questions
Federal Perkins Loans, Nursing Student Loans and Schell Foundation Loans.
Bowling Green State University
C/O Heartland ECSI
P.O. Box 718
Wexford, PA 15090
You will be billed in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note (obtained at time of disbursement) and repayment schedule (provided with loan exit information). Most loans are billed monthly following the expiration of your initial nine (9) month grace period. Your first monthly payment will be due ten (10) months from the time you cease to be at least a half-time student. All payments are due on the first of each month. Statements will be generated and mailed by Heartland ECSI approximately 20 days before the due date. Please return the remittance portion of the statement with your payment.
Refer to your repayment schedule for due dates and amounts. It is your responsibility to make payments on time. Please include the last four digits of your Social Security Number and your school code of D9, make checks payable to Bowling Green State University and mail to:
Bowling Green State University
C/O Heartland ECSI
P.O. Box 718
Wexford, PA 15090
You can either log on to your account at or you may call Heartland ECSI directly at 1-888-549-ECSI (3274).
All forms may be obtained at: Heatland ECSI. Choose Bowling Green State University, then select the appropriate form to complete.
Updated: 04/20/2018 11:49AM