Mental and Physical Well-Being

Each member of our BGSU community, including our students, faculty, staff, parents and families, must work together to promote mental and physical health and well-being. Let us be part of a community where we support one another with kindness and understanding.

Mental Health Resources

On-Campus Resources

What you can do

These symptoms alone do not necessarily mean someone has a mental health diagnosis.  Please reach out to the Counseling Center to consult with the Emergency Counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Hopelessness
  • Rage, anger, seeking revenge
  • Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking
  • Feeling trapped – like there's no way out
  • Increasing alcohol or drug use
  • Withdrawing from friends, family or society
  • Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep, or sleeping all the time
  • Dramatic mood changes
  • No reason for living; no sense of purpose in life

When you should be highly concerned if someone:

  • States “I want to kill myself”
  • Having a plan or looking for means to kill themselves
  • Extreme self-neglect (prolonged lack of hygiene, not eating for extended periods of time)
  • Disconnected with reality (disorganized thoughts or speech, hallucinations, supernatural beliefs)
  • Cutting with serious or neglected wounds, violent behavior

When you should be concerned, but not emergent if someone:

  • Expresses thoughts of suicide with no plans to act
  • Withdrawn, short term appetite loss
  • Short term lack of sleep
  • Frequent crying
  • Cutting with superficial wounds, angry mood

Don’t be alone in your concerns. Tell a supervisor, RA, advisor, etc. about your concern. You can always contact the Counseling Center to discuss with a professional to gain insight and advice on how to address your concern.

If you have a friend in need, let them know you are willing to help if they need it. Here are a few ways you can help:

  • Show you care.
  • Make yourself aware of resources and reporting.
  • Share a personal positive experience of seeking help, it can make the situation less threatening.
  • Respect their limits.
  • Offer to go to the Counseling Center with them or sit nearby while they make the phone call.
  • If someone does not want help, you can call the Counseling Center and speak to a counselor to get additional ideas for future conversations.

Learn More about providing support

  • Ask. Be specific about your concerns when talking to them. “You haven’t left your room in over a week.”
  • Express care and concern.
  • Make time and space for the conversation. Do it in a safe, private space and make sure you have time to talk to them.
  • Ask if and how you can help them. Remember that you don’t have to be their counselor. You can always call the Counseling Center and speak to a counselor to get additional ideas for future conversations.
  • Don’t beat around the suicide bush. If you are picking up on thoughts of suicide, ask them about it directly.
  • Encourage or assist them in seeking help, if needed.
  • Refer them to the Counseling Center or other help centers.
  • Share with others the risk and preventative factors of suicide.
  • Reinforce preventative actions individuals can take if they are having thoughts of suicide or know someone who may be.
  • Educate yourself on the warning signs of suicide and become an advocate by Starting The Conversation with other individuals.
  • Provide concrete steps for finding help. Inform the person that help is available through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and through established service providers and crisis centers.

Off-Campus Resources

*Denotes service providers with confidential resources

We Can Talk About It

When the world doesn’t listen, be the friend who does. Reach out to a friend and start a conversation about mental health. It can make a big difference.

Physical Health Resources

Falcon Health Center

Offering preventative and illness-related health services provided by a medical staff of physicians, nurse practitioners and a team of supportive colleagues

Respiratory Illness Resources

Stay up-to-date on the University's respiratory illness resources and protocols to keep both you and our campus community safe and healthy. 

The Office of Health and Wellness

Committed to supporting healthy lifestyle behaviors through programs which incorporate all aspects of wellness, nutrition, alcohol, sexual health and sexual assault. 

Falcon Fitness

Encouraging, certified fitness instructors and personal trainers are available to help enhance your well-being by offering group fitness classes, individualized exercise programming, free fitness equipment orientations and more.

Updated: 06/20/2024 11:05AM