
College of Business  

BSBA areas of specialization

Department of Management
3018 Business Administration Building, 419-372-6963

Prepare students for careers involving managing and leading people in a wide variety of business organizations. Students learn how to effectively communicate, lead collaborative teams, develop and motivate talent, value diversity, manage organizational change, and make ethical business decisions. Important elements of this curriculum may include experiential learning activities, internships, service learning and co-curricular professional development activities.

Career opportunities in management are available in a wide range of businesses as well as social and government services. Students can focus on areas such as human resource management through selection of elective courses.

Learning Outcomes
  • Acquire a theoretical understanding of the basic management functions.
  • Effectively communicate.
  • Build and lead effective work teams.
  • Understand how to attract, select, develop, deploy, and retain talent to meet organizational goals.
  • Recognize how diversity and global issues impact management.
  • Manage organization change.
  • Consider ethical issues in decision making.

BSBA general degree requirements
Students completing the managment specialization must complete University, general degree, admission core, and business core requirements for the BSBA degree, including admission to the BSBA program.

Admission to the Management Specialization
To be admitted officially to the specialization, students must have been admitted to the BSBA program, have a BGSU cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5, and have earned a C or better in MGMT 3600.

Management specialization (21 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements

  • BA 3900, BA 4400, MGMT 3610, MGMT 4540, MGMT 4650, and MGMT 4700.
  • Choose one course: ACCT 3310, AHS 3250, BA 3100, 4390, ECON 3210, 3510, 4220, 4310, FIN 4100, 4210, LEGS 4060, 4290, MGMT 3300, 4410, 4420, MKT 3500, 4550, PSYC 3500, TECH 4000, 4300.

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM