Business Requirements
College of Business
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Business core
Each student is required to complete a common core of business courses. These courses are:
- BA 1500, 4060; BIZX 1100, 2200, 3300, 4000; ECON 3020, 3030, 3040, 3110, or 3510; FIN 3000; LEGS 3010; MGMT 3000 and 3600; MKT 2010; and BA 3800.
Applied business courses
Unique to BGSU are the Applied Business Experience courses: BIZX 1100, BIZX 2200, BIZX 3300, and the Integrated Capstone Experience, BIZX 4000. This set of core courses emphasizes experiential learning, application, integration, and professional competency development.
Because BIZX 4000 is the capstone course for all students in the BSBA program, the following courses must be successfully completed before enrolling in BIZX 4000: MGMT 3000 and 3600; FIN 3000; MKT 2010; and BA 3800. BSBA admission is an additional prerequisite for BIZX 4000. BIZX 4000 must be taken at BGSU. Transfer credit is not accepted by the College of Business for BIZX 4000.
Areas of specialization
Fourteen areas of specialization are available in the BSBA program. Each student must complete the requirements for an area of specialization and should select a specialization in consultation with an academic advisor. A student may choose to complete more than one area of specialization. Undecided students should select one or more areas prior to the fourth year in the BSBA program.
The requirements for areas of specialization are those in effect at the time of the student's admission to the BSBA program. Specific requirements are available in Undergraduate Student Development or in department or program offices.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM