College of Business
BSBA areas of specialization
Department of Economics
3002 Business Administration Building, 419-372-2646
The economics specialization is designed for students who want strong analytical and communication skills that will allow them to enter a variety of fields, including banking, insurance, entry-level management, and a variety of other areas. Students are also well prepared for MBA programs or law school.
BSBA general degree requirements
Students completing the economics specialization must complete University, general degree, admission core, and business core requirements for the BSBA degree, including admission to the BSBA program.
Economics specialization (21 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements
- ECON 3020 and 3030 (one may be counted as part of the BSBA professional core)
- one quantitative economics course (ECON 4010 or 4020)
- any four other 3000- or 4000-level ECON courses (12 credit hours)
- All students with an economics specialization must satisfy a written and oral communication requirement in economics. Certification by an economics faculty member that the requirement has been met is required. Details are available in the department office.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM