This calculator is designed to help you project and plan for 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that this calculator only accounts for tuition, room, meal, and mandatory fees for students; your final cost could be higher or lower depending on your enrollment status and other fees specific to your academic program. General and College fees are based on degree program not the specific courses you enroll in.
Calculate Your Estimated Cost of Attendance by Semester
FeeOptions/SelectionsSemester Charge
No Campus Selected
Instructional Fee:$0.00
International Student Service Fee:$0.00
Technology Fee:$0.00
Career Service Fee:$0.00
Facility Fee:$0.00
Counseling Center Fee:$0.00
International Orientation Fee:
(Determined based on New or Returning Student answer from above)
(Learning Community, Course Fees, etc.)
TotalYou must select a campus
***Make sure you are entering your semester award. Most award notifications are for the academic year. Visit your MyBGSU to review your award by semester. Be sure NOT to include Federal Work Study. The Federal Direct PLUS Loans are credit based loans. Only include Plus Loan funds if a pre-application has been submitted and approved.*** ***
Financial Aid$
Remaining BalanceYou must select a campus
Students may enroll in the Installment Payment Plan (IPP) each semester by logging into MyBGSU > Student Center > My Account > Make A Payment > Enroll in your Installment Payment Plan.