BGSU provides an email address to all active students as part of the BGSU account creation process. BGSU email is an official form of university communication and should be checked regularly for important information. Your BGSU email address is tied to Office 365, and as part of that account, students can install up to five copies of Microsoft Office 365 (O365) on their personal and mobile devices for free!
How Can I Check My Email?
BGSU ITS supports BGSU email via the Outlook desktop and mobile apps, or via Webmail, and recommends adding BGSU email to your personal mobile device for easy access!
Outlook Desktop App
The Outlook desktop application is included as part of your Office 365 subscription. Download and install it directly to your computer!
Outlook Webmail
Check your BGSU email from any device with internet connection by visiting the URL
Add BGSU Email to Outlook App on iOS/iPhone
Add BGSU Email to Outlook App on Android
Why Should I Check My Email?
1. Get move-in ready!
Move-in information, packing list and important reminders are communicated via BGSU email.
2. Keep in touch with advisors
Your academic and career specialist reaches out to you through your BGSU email.
3. Scheduling alerts
Monitor your email for important scheduling details and confirmation of class scheduling when you are enrolled in a waitlist class.
4. Event information and important dates
Check your email for event details and opportunities to get connected to students and campus! Email is also used to communicate important university information including messages from the president, BGSU website and application outages/upgrades, updates from instructors and more.
5. Bursar & Financial Aid information
Stay up-to-date on important financial aid dates and bill pay reminders.
BGSU Email Tips & Info
Disable Focused Inbox
Microsoft utilizes the Focused Inbox feature to help to filter your email so that you only see what you want to see by focusing on the messages that matter most to the user. Focused Inbox works by filtering the messages in your inbox based on the content of the email you interact with the most. If you wish to see all of your messages all of the time, we recommend turning Focused Inbox OFF.
Email Phishing
Email phishing is a form of fraud that attempts to obtain a users' sensitive information such as credit card details, usernames, passwords, and other confidential data. Keep your information safe by staying alert, looking for warning signs, taking caution when clicking links in email messages, and reviewing our email phishing resources.
General Email & Calendar Information
The ITS Knowledge Base, among other things, offers a variety of written and video self-help guides to assist you in using your BGSU email account. Bookmark the Knowledge Base for easy access when you need help with technology at BGSU.
Mobile Email Apps
ITS supports and recommends using the Outlook app for mobile BGSU email access. This method installs an additional app (Outlook) onto your device and is used to check your BGSU email. Syncing your BGSU email with the iPhone/iOS built-in mail app pulls your email into the already installed app along with any other email accounts you have added to it.
Duo Two Factor Authentication for Email
BGSU email, like many other services, is protected by Duo Two Factor Authentication. In order to access data protected by Duo, users must clearly identify themselves using two different methods of identification - their BGSU password and another component. So you don't have to authenticate every day, you can activate the "Remember Me for 30 Days" feature.
External Email Tagging
External email tagging is a technique that allows for "tagging" of email messages not originating from a BGSU email account. This can serve as extra warning that you may not know who the message is coming from.
Updated: 01/06/2025 03:42PM