Mentorship Program Requirements

The goal for the BAP Mentorship Program is to support personal and professional growth in both a college setting and a business setting. This program is designed to be a fun, informal, and valuable time commitment.


Mentor and Mentee(s) will meet at least 2 times a semester, but please feel free to meet up more! Meetings can include, but are not limited to Coffee hangs, Lunch dates, Dinner dates, study sessions, zoom calls, or anything your creative self thinks of. If you need ideas, feel free to reach out to Alex Borger.


After each meeting, the evaluation form must be filled out. This is to ensure everyone is getting the most out of the mentorship program


Meetings between the mentor and their mentee(s) will consist of exchanging conversation to both get to know each other and ask any questions you might have. The goal is to build a meaningful relationship where you have someone you can go to for advice you may need.

Conversation Starters

  • Have a fun getting to know each other game like 21 questions (favorite movies, colors, foods, etc.)
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What do you do to have fun?
  • Talk about your goals for the mentorship program

  • Talk about your education
  • Talk about your dream careers
  • Talk about leadership
  • Talk about internships
  • Who is your role model?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
  • Talk about your goals in life, short-term and long-term
  • Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Overall, just get to know one another! This mentorship program is designed to be an informal relationship where you, hopefully, become friends and stay in contact with one another. Either as a mentor/mentee you can provide valuable advice and you can learn from one another. 

Updated: 11/03/2023 08:20AM