Hall Space Reservations

Residence halls are facilities that house students. As such, students have a certain right to and expectation of privacy, safety and security. For this reason, the Office of Residence Life has a limited number of spaces that are available for reservation by University-recognized student organizations, offices, and student residents. These spaces are located in publicly accessible areas in the residence halls. Areas located in secure residential corridors are not available for use by University-recognized student organizations or offices. Spaces in residence halls may not be utilized for sleepovers. Other limited exceptions to the Residence Life Space Reservation Policy may be made with approval from the Associate Director of Residence Life or her/his designee. No area in a residence hall is available for use by groups not affiliated with the University without the approval of the Associate Director of Residence Life.

Make a reservation

University-recognized offices and student organizations may request to utilize designated spaces in publically accessible areas of the residence halls. Please review the following information carefully before making a residence hall space reservation.


  • Reservations can be made no more than 4 weeks in advance and no less than 5 business days prior to the event.
  • Arrangements for use of the spaces must be coordinated with the Hall Director of the facility and through an online form located here.
  • All offices, groups and students utilizing these spaces agree to the terms and conditions for use as outlined in the Reservation Agreement and Terms of Use.
  • Student organizations and offices are financially responsible for the condition of the room after use.


  • Residential students may reserve public spaces in the residence hall.
  • Students who reserve a public space accept full responsibility (financial, legal, student conduct) for knowing and following all policies related to use of the space and will assure the good condition of the space at the end of the event.
  • The student who reserves the space must be in attendance for the entire duration of the event and is responsible for abiding by all aspects of the guest and escort policy.  
  • A residential student may reserve a space in their hall on behalf of their student organization.    

All spaces located in secured residential areas (lobbies, meeting rooms, recreation rooms, restrooms, TV lounges, elevator landings, hallways, computer labs, laundry rooms, stairwells, etc.) of a residence hall are meant for use by the residential students assigned to that specific living unit. These spaces are not available for use by University-recognized student organizations or offices. Residential students may not reserve these spaces, or utilize them on a routine informal basis, in support of University-recognized student organizations. 

Please note: The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to utilize meeting and programming areas inside residence halls for the purpose of educational and social activities, safety and security, hall governance, living learning communities or other events sponsored by the Office of Residence Life in support of residential students. Reservations may be modified or cancelled at any time based on the needs of residential students and the Office of Residence Life.

You must agree to and abide by the Hall Spaces Reservation Agreement and Terms of Use.

Updated: 09/18/2024 04:48PM