Guidelines for President's Award for Collaborative Research and Creative Work

The President’s Award for Collaborative Research and Creative Work recognizes innovative research and creative work conducted by faculty members in collaboration with graduate students related to improving the quality of graduate education and/or research capacity of the University. It is expected that graduate students would play a significant role in projects submitted for this award.

Number of awards and amount

  • A total of $5,000 is available each year.
  • Up to $2,500 may be awarded directly to a recipient. Additional funds, up to $2,500, may be awarded as a grant to that faculty member recipient to support the involvement of additional students in research.
  • Up to two awards may be conferred each year.

Award criteria

  • The significance of the project to the graduate student’s educational development and career aspirations
  • The role of the faculty member in furthering this development
  • The significance of the research/creative work to the field of study or to society
  • The faculty member’s plan for involving additional students in research/creative work

Supporting documentation

  • A description of the project and results. This can be in the form of a copy of a report/paper/project submitted by the graduate student to the faculty member to earn credit for the project, a copy of a publication, presentation, or technical report that resulted from the project, etc.
  • A statement from the graduate student(s) that (1) explains what he/she learned through this project and (2) describes the faculty member’s role in encouraging and supporting the project
  • A statement from the faculty member indicating the significance of the project and its implications for graduate education

Assessment of applications

The Provost and Senior Vice President shall appoint a committee to receive and review the nominations. The committee shall make a recommendation to the Provost and Senior Vice President on each nomination. The Provost and Senior Vice President will recommend to the President those nominations most deserving of the award.


Nominations/applications and supporting documentation must be limited to no more than 5 pages total (not including attachment of course project or research paper described under supporting documentation) and must be received in the Office of the Provost at

Nomination form

Updated: 09/19/2024 02:09PM