Sustainability at heart of campus gateway project
Admin Building material to be recycled, removed trees to be replaced
As Bowling Green State University continues its campus gateway project, sustainability is a key component of the work that will transform the western edge of campus.
BGSU will build the new gateway at the location of the aging Administration Building, though its demolition will include reusing thousands of pounds of material. Once the wrecking ball breaks through floors and knocks down walls, much of the material will be processed by the contractor and given a second life.
“Ninety-five percent of the building’s weight is concrete block and brick, and that will all be crushed, recycled, and turned into reusable material,” said April Smucker, associate vice president of Planning, Construction, and Campus Operations at BGSU.
“Our goal is to be as sustainable as possible.”
A Green Gateway
The project will feature an adaptable outdoor area and ample walkways for a park-like setting that highlights the University’s natural green spaces.
Crews have had to remove 23 trees so far, most of which were Locust trees reaching the end of their lifespan, Smucker said.
In their place, however, BGSU plans to double the “value” of removed trees by planting even more new ones.
“Each tree has a value based on age and condition, and we plan on replacing more than their value,” Smucker said. “We typically try to be more robust with planting, and at this point, we’re planning on planting at least double the original value, if not more, in return.”
Demolition of the Administration Building began Wednesday, Nov. 10. The project will take a scheduled break during exam week between Dec. 13-17.
The demolition will make way for the University’s new campus gateway, featuring green spaces and walkways that help further connect BGSU with the city of Bowling Green. The design is similar to the gateway that once stood on the western edge of campus when the University opened in 1910.
Construction of the new campus gateway is scheduled to begin in spring 2022 and be completed in fall 2022.
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Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349
Updated: 12/14/2021 11:42AM