Meet students who have committed early to the Class of 2024
By Shannon Cleary
Get to know some of the earliest members of Bowling Green State University's Class of 2024. These high school seniors are already committed to BGSU and are excited to officially become Falcons in the Fall of 2020. Learn why they decided to call BGSU home.
Conner Marschall
Question: What is your major?
Answer: Flight technology and operations.
Q: What is your hometown?
A: West Palm Beach, Florida.
Q: Why did you choose BGSU?
A: I love the area of Bowling Green. It's the perfect college town. What solidified my choice for BGSU was the feeling of home when I was there and the aviation school being exactly what I was looking for.
Q: What excites you most about your major?
A: I'm excited to be flying in general and the opportunities that I will get through the school and connections I'll make.
Q: What are you most looking forward to as part of your college experience?
A: I'm looking forward to making new friendships and being in the cold, finally! Also, being closer to my Ohio family and Cedar Point!
Q: Do you already have any BGSU spirit gear?
A: I have two BGSU T-shirts, a sweatshirt, and windbreaker and a lanyard for my car keys.
Q: What did you ask for as a high school graduation gift?
A: I'm asking for coffee provisions for my Keurig and gas money to get my car up from Florida.
Q: How do you stand out in high school?
A: I stand out at my high school for being the captain of the swim team. I also made homecoming court this year! I play the trombone, tube and euphonium in the band — so I am pretty much everywhere!
Olivia Fraser
Q: What is your major?
A: Resort and attraction management (RAAM).
Q: What is your hometown?
A: Strongsville, Ohio.
Q: Why did you choose BGSU?
A: I chose BGSU because it's not too big or small and it's not too far from home. My AP and CCP classes will also transfer, allowing me to start classes for my major early.
Q: What excites you most about your major?
A: My major is very unique because BGSU is the only university that offers it in the country. I am most excited for the co-op I will complete at a Cedar Fair amusement park for two summers.
Q: What are you most looking forward to as part of your college experience?
A: I am looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing my cousin around campus.
Q: Do you already have any BGSU spirit gear?
A: Yes! I already have two sweatshirts, but BGSU gear was at the top of my Christmas list.
Q: What did you ask for as a high school graduation gift?
A: After my high school graduation, I am hoping that we can have a nice graduation party with all of my friends and family.
Q: How do you stand out in high school?
A: At my high school, I am involved National Honor Society, Key Club and DARE role models. I also work at T.J. Maxx.
Briyanna Moore
Q: What is your major?
A: Applied health science geared toward a pre-physician's assistant path.
Q: What is your hometown?
A: Southfield, Michigan.
Q: Why did you choose BGSU?
A: I chose to attend BGSU because of the positive experiences I've had with the University's faculty members and students. From the first time I took a tour of BGSU until now, BGSU has made me feel welcome. I also feel special and included, which is something I did not feel from any other college I have visited or applied to. This warm welcome is what makes me so excited to step onto campus in the fall and begin my life after high school as a Falcon!
Q: What excites you most about your major?
A: I will be learning more details about the different cellular processes that occurs in the body, and what affects them.
Q: What are you most looking forward to as part of your college experience?
A: I am looking forward to meeting lots of new people on campus, as well as meeting new people while studying abroad and showing off all of what being a student at Bowling Green has taught me.
Q: Do you already have any BGSU spirit gear?
A: Yes, I have a few BGSU items. So far, I have BGSU shirts and socks, a pennant and even lip balm I picked up during the preview day in October. That has really come in handy — especially in this cold, Michigan weather!
Q: What did you ask for as a high school graduation gift?
A: I have not thought about what I want as a graduation gift yet, but I wouldn't mind receiving money from family and friends as a gift because I am currently saving money toward a big trip I am planning to take with my best friend in two years! #korea2021
Q: How do you stand out in high school?
A: I have participated in athletics such as varsity sideline and competitive cheer and varsity gymnastics. I am also an editor for my school's magazine, The Scriptor; a member of a club at my school called African Americans Changing Tomorrow (AACT); and I am a mentee of a program called Sisters Who Are Powerful (SWAP).
Updated: 02/15/2024 04:46PM