Princeton Review names BGSU a ‘green college’
Bowling Green State University is among the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges, according to the 2018 Princeton Review Guide to 399 Green Colleges.
The guide, released October 16, profiles colleges “having the most exceptional commitments to sustainability … based on their academic offerings, campus policies, initiatives, activities and career preparation for students.” BGSU was on the 2017 and 2016 lists as well.
The Princeton Review chose colleges based on “Green Rating” scores tallied using data from its survey of administrators in 2017-18. The survey asked administrators to report on their sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. Schools with Green Rating scores of 80 or higher (out of 99) made it into the 2018 guide; BGSU’s score was 96.
The ranking provides a good reference for prospective students, who show a growing interest in attending colleges committed to the environment. Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s editor-in-chief, said that college applicants and their parents are increasingly concerned about the environment and sustainability issues.
“I am proud of BGSU’s ongoing sustainability efforts and accomplishments and how far we have come,” said Nicholas Hennessy, BGSU sustainability manager. “It’s gratifying to see sustainability take a place in so many areas of the day-to-day operation of the University and to have many players involved. We plan to continue to move forward with our plans for sustainability since there is still a great deal more to do to reduce our environmental impact.”
School profiles in the Green Colleges Guide include “Green Facts,” details on such things as the availability of transportation alternatives and whether the school employs a sustainability officer. They also provide information about each school’s admission requirements, cost and financial aid and student body statistics.
Academic areas across BGSU offer courses that educate students about the environment and sustainability, from the School of Earth, Environment and Society to construction management to biology to architecture and environmental design and interior design, among others.
In 2012, BGSU signed the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, committing the University to take action on climate change through a goal of carbon-neutrality. In 2014, BGSU submitted its Climate Action Plan and began to implement it. Among the many projects moving the University toward carbon neutrality and emissions reduction are numerous LED lighting upgrades, LEED building construction/renovation, increases in waste diversion, and the study of renewable energy feasibility. More information on the University’s progress toward its sustainability goals and its Climate Action Plan is available on the Office of Campus Sustainability website.
Updated: 12/11/2023 11:23AM