My Summer Experience: Micah Smith
Working at World Changers and P2 Missions

Micah Smith
Intervention Specialist
This summer I was a World Changer. I worked long days, got little sleep and had the summer of a lifetime.
I served on summer staff with World Changers and P2 Missions as a Missions and Communications Specialist. World Changers and P2 Missions serves churches in their mission of making disciples by providing experiences that develop the heart of students for serving others, and sharing the Gospel so they can change cities across the country.
I served as a Team Leader on the Southeast Team this summer. World Changers is a construction-based ministry so students arrive to our project location on a Monday and stay through Saturday.
During a project week students are divided into crews and sent out into the city to do construction and community projects. These projects include painting, replacing siding, building ramps and working in local community centers.
My involvement in my sorority, Kappa Delta, and Bike for Tikes and Dance Marathon really prepared me in my position. As a Missions and Communications Specialist (M/CS), I served students by educating them about missions and the various opportunities available for service through the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board.
I was also responsible for communication throughout the projects that my team served in. I worked with local media, preparing participants for interviews with multiple media outlets including television, radio and print. An M/CS makes sure that there is clear communication between summer staff and coordinators and participants. This is done through a daily newsletter, encouragram envelopes and overall availability throughout the project week.
Within World Changers and P2 Missions there are 15 other teams like my own that served different regions of the country. These teams are made up of college-aged students that take their summers to serve students and adults in their pursuit of the missions’ opportunities.
My team facilitated six construction and community projects in five different cities this summer including Augusta, Georgia, Rock Hill, S.C., Charleston, S.C., Cherokee, N.C., and Columbia, S.C. The southeast team featured over 1,200 students alone, which does not even compare to the 15,000+ students that participated in World Changers and P2 Missions projects this summer.
Updated: 12/02/2017 12:52AM