My Summer Experience: Gary Noecker
Summer 2014 Intern with WWE

Gary L. Noecker
Senior, Film Production Major
College of Arts and Sciences
Summer 2014 Intern with WWE
My summer experience was different from anything I have ever participated in and was an opportunity that most people will never have.
Whether you are a devoted fan, occasional watcher, or someone who just flips through the channels on television, everyone knows what WWE is, and what those letters stand for – World Wrestling Entertainment.
I was given the prestigious opportunity to intern at WWE in Stamford, Conn., during the summer for 12 weeks. The knowledge that I learned during my time there has taught me how much dedication, perseverance and leadership goes into being a successful employee at the WWE Network. Furthermore, the amount of time I spent working with the WWE clientele and market over the past 12 weeks has also taught me that by the end of an experience in this industry you’ll be screaming the catchphrase said by the famous Hulk Hogan to your friends and anyone that will listen, “Whatcha gonna do when the Hulkster runs wild on you?”
In June I, and a handful of select students from all over the country, joined the WWE Company. We were all separated by our interests and talents within the network, which covers all areas of entertainment. Since I have studied film and technology at Bowling Green State University for the past three years, I was placed with the WWE Evergreen TV and Video Studios, and was thrown right into the action to contribute and produce for the new WWE Network.
Unlike the majority of the summer interns working with the WWE Company, I signed on to work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, so I could get the full experience of what it is like to provide my technology experience and background to be successful in this type of field.
Working full-time at WWE definitely introduced me to how demanding, thorough, but at the same time, rewarding it can be to be a contributing factor to a highly successful and expanding entertainment network. I was taught advanced software programs, given deadlines, as well as given the opportunity to meet and make a lot of influential connections.
Apart from learning and producing material for the WWE Network in the television and video studios, the greatest experience I encountered while interning at WWE was working backstage at the June 30 Monday Night Raw show in Hartford, Conn. This gave me the chance to get up close and personal with famous superstars and divas that are seen live in the wrestling ring on TV or starring in movies.
I was given the esteemed opportunity to be a part of voice-overs with John Cena, who I later had the chance to meet and have a conversation with, as well as sit in on an interview with Jerry “The King” Lawler. Later on, I even got to sit and eat a meal with the superstar Daniel Bryan.
What I took away from this experience is that to be successful in this industry, you have to understand that working with high profile people is a daily routine and is just one of the many factors that goes into accomplishing and achieving your goals on the job. Moreover, you have to come to realize that the many famous stars you see on television and in the movies are just regular people who want nothing more than to be treated as such. Therefore, during the time I spent up close and personal with these renowned professionals, I remained calm and collected knowing that working with them was a privilege that many will never experience, and most importantly that I was there to get a job done to better the company and I was not just like every WWE fan that was in the crowd.
Interning at the WWE Evergreen Television and Video Studios has brought me insight into what programs, dedication and leadership abilities companies are looking for from individuals who are seeking an occupation in the media and entertainment industry. I believe that the 12 weeks I have spent at WWE has better prepared me for life outside of college. I now have a greater understanding, as well as a fair amount of experience, to be successful in the world of digital entertainment.
Updated: 01/23/2018 11:09AM