U.S.News & World Report highly ranks BGSU programs

BOWLING GREEN, O.—The 2006 edition of U.S.News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” names Bowling Green State University twice in “Programs to Look For,” a section of the guide that notes “outstanding examples of academic programs believed to lead to student success.”
For the first time, Bowling Green is noted for its first-year programs and, for the third consecutive year, is listed for its residential living/learning communities.
BGSU, which has developed specialized first-year programs to assist students in adapting to college life and building a firm foundation for academic success, is one of only 43 institutions around the nation to be cited on the list.
Bowling Green’s programs include BGeXperience, the values-exploration program aimed at enhancing students’ critical thinking skills. For the first time this fall, all 3,508 entering freshmen are participating, compared to the 125 students when the program began four years ago.
Among the other first-year programs are orientation and registration, welcome programs, UNIV 100 success courses and Springboard, along with special publications geared to getting students off to the right start. The University also involves first-year students in a common reading experience and provides a first-year librarian dedicated to helping students learn how to use the library, conduct research and make use of resource materials.
The learning communities, which include Chapman, Partners in Context and Community, IMPACT, Arts Village and others, feature small-group settings where students with a common interest live and study together.
Other institutions in U.S.News & World Report’s list of 25 schools with outstanding learning communities include the University of Michigan, Indiana University and Miami University of Ohio.
The magazine compiled the lists of outstanding first-year programs and learning communities with the help of education experts, including staff of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, college presidents, academic officers and deans of students, who nominated stellar programs for consideration.
(Posted August 23, 2005)
Updated: 12/02/2017 01:17AM