2012 Archive
Presentations and posters addressing specific topics related to family structure and well-being given by NCFMR staff, faculty affiliates, and students during symposia, conferences, workshops, and annual meetings.
National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR), Fathers & Fathering in Contemporary Contexts 2012 Research Conference
- Geoffrey L. Brown, Clark University, and Sarah C. Mangelsdorf, Northwestern University
- Paternal sensitivity, father-child attachment security, and fathers’ depressive symptoms
- Diana T. Cohen, Central Connecticut State University
- Iron Dads: Complexities of Endurance Sports for Managing Work and Family Identities
- Reginald Covington, Cornell University; William Monson, Urban Institute; H. Elizabeth Peters, Urban Institute; Joseph P. Price, Brigham Young University; and Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University
- The Consequences of Teen Fatherhood: A Cohort Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97
- Carolyn Dayton, Tova Neugut, Wonjung Oh, and Brenda Volling, University of Michigan
- Singing and Swaddling: Soothing Behaviors of Mothers and Fathers with their Young Infants
- Tracy DeHaan, Lauren Stewart, Elizabeth Miller, and Scott Coltrane, University of Oregon
- Does the ‘Flexibility Stigma’ Apply to Men? Assessing the Long-Term Earnings of Fathers Who Take Time Off Work to Care for Family
- Otima Doyle, Duke University Medical Center
- He’s my Baby too: Co-parenting among Non-resident and Resident African American Fathers
- W. Justin Dyer and Randal D. Day, Brigham Young University
- Larry Gibbs, National Center for Family & Marriage Research, Bowling Green State University
- Teenage Male Favorable Attitudes Toward Non-Marital Childbearing: A Focus on Family and Race/Ethnicity
- Dana K. Harmon, The University of West Alabama
- Religiosity and Child Well-Being: The Impact of Relationship Status among African American Fathers
- Robin S. Högnäs and Marcia J. Carlson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- I Get By with a Little Help from My Family: Supportive Relationships and Father Involvement
- Barbara Holthus, Hiromi Tanaka, Hans Bertram, and Sophie Olbrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
- Fathers and Wellbeing: Comparing Germany and Japan
- Maria Johnson, University of Michigan
- African American Daughters’ Reports of Social Father Involvement
- Letitia E. Kotila and Claire M. Kamp Dush, Department of Human Development & Family Science, The Ohio State University
- Letitia E. Kotila, Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, and Claire M. Kamp Dush, Department of Human Development & Family Science, The Ohio State University
- Lynda Laughlin, U.S. Census Bureau
- Measuring Fathers’ Participation in Child Care - Data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
- Tova Neugut, Carolyn Dayton, and Kate Rosenblum, University of Michigan
- The courage to connect: Military fathers of young children reflect on parenting in the context of repeated deployments
- Krista K. Payne, National Center for Family & Marriage Research, Bowling Green State University
- Becoming a Father before First Marriage: Variation over Time by Educational Attainment
- Raymond E. Petren, Chelsea L. Garneau, and Kay Pasley, Florida State University
- Differences in Engagement Among Biological Fathers and Stepfathers: What’s Lost with a Composite Score
- Megan Reid and Andrew Golub, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc.
- Cohabitation and co-parenting in urban Black families: Early findings from a mixed-methods study
- J. Bart Stykes, National Center for Family & Marriage Research, Bowling Green State University
- Jamie Thomas, Fertility and Family Statistics Branch, U.S. Census Bureau
- Latent Classes of Fathering Attitudes
- Richard Tolman, Tova Neugut, and Vijay Singh, University of Michigan
- Moving Up the Magic Moment: Engaging Expectant Fathers at Ultrasound
- Matthew Weinshenker, Fordham University
- Father Involvement among Men in Couples with Non-Overlapping Employment Hours
- Father Involvement among Men in Couples with Non-Overlapping Employment Hours
American Sociological Association (ASA)
- Wendy D. Manning, NCFMR Co-Director, CFDR Director, and BGSU Sociology Professor
Head Start (ACF), Research on Young Children and Families: Effective Practices in an Age of Diversity and Change
- Melissa A. Barnett, University of Arizona, External Grantee
- Contextual instability and the influence of mothers’ parenting behaviors on the developmental outcomes of Mexican American toddlers
- Mexican American mothers’ romantic relationship quality and toddlers’ social competence and behavior problems: The role of nurturing parenting and child gender
Population Association of America (PAA) Conference
I-Fen Lin, BGSU Associate Professor and NCFMR Research Affiliate, and Susan Brown, NCFMR Co-Director
2012 PAA Poster Session Winners!
- Larry Gibbs, NCFMR Graduate Research Assistant
- Amanda Geller and Irwin Garfinkel, Columbia University, NCFMR External Grantees
- Paternal Incarceration and Father Involvement in Fragile Families
- Paternal Incarceration and Father Involvement in Fragile Families
- Lauren Porter and Ryan D. King, University at Albany, NCFMR External Grantees
- A New Look at Paternal Incarceration and Delinquency
- A New Look at Paternal Incarceration and Delinquency
- Bart Stykes, NCFMR Graduate Research Assistant
- Michael Yee Shui, NCFMR Graduate Research Assistant
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)
- Rebekah L. Coley, Jennifer Carrano, & Heather J. Bachman, NCFMR External Grantees
- Lifetime family structure patterns and adolescent psychosocial functioning. In R. L. Coley (Chair), Beyond family structure: The influence of parental relationship instability on adolescent well-being. Symposium paper presented at the biennial meeting.
Archived Presentations
Updated: 06/15/2021 12:22PM