Partnership Recognition Program

Partnership Recognition Program

BGSU engages in an intentional process to recognize our partners in industry. Through the establishment of clear success metrics, we identify, cultivate and grow meaningful partnerships that allow us to continue delivering public good alongside of your industry expertise and resources.

Get Involved
Annual engagement review
Boost engagement with recognition benefits
Continue building your brand, reputation and BGSU employees
To partner with us


Engagement is one of the core components that we value in a partnership. Engagement with us ranges from activities that build your brand awareness to those that impact academic curriculum.
The Kuhlin Career Hub tracks your engagement across the academic year and evaluates it based on the model below:

Points Engagement Type Criteria
3 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 5+ Engagements
2 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 3-4 Engagements
1 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 1-2 Engagements

As we evaluate your engagement on campus, we consider some activities to be the most beneficial for building brand awareness. Examples of that type of engagement include:

  • Attendance at Career EXPO/Falcon Career Showcase
  • Participation in Falcon Professional Network (FPN)
  • Providing a professional development workshop

As we evaluate your engagement across campus, we consider activities where you are more deeply involved to have a significant positive impact on the academic experience. Examples of that positive impact include:

  • Serving on a departmental advisory board
  • Providing content expertise in a class presentation
  • Working with the Kuhlin Career Hub to create an internship program


Hiring is one of the core components that we value in a partnership. Active hiring helps to contribute to the learning experience of our students, and ranges from students hired within an experiential learning capacity (co-op, internship, clinical placement) to those hired for full-time positions.

The Kuhlin Career Hub tracks your hiring across the academic year
and evaluates it based on the model below:

Points Criteria
3 Hiring 10+ students between intern/co-op and full-time
2 Hiring more than 1 intern/co-op and hiring more than 1 full-time
1 Hiring more than 1 intern, co-op, or full-time

At BGSU, we have specific definitions for the type of hiring practices that you utilize which best engage our students. We would describe them below as the following:

  • Cooperative Education (“co-op”) – This experience is a credit bearing, full-time equivalent, minimum of at least 1 semester opportunity that augments a student’s academic learning through experiential education that is approved by the academic department.
  • Internship – An internship is a form of experiential learning that merges academic curriculum with practical application within the professional workplace. It can be a full-time opportunity over the summer semester or a part-time opportunity across a semester,
    but must have more formal learning outcomes than a part-time job opportunity.
  • Clinical Placement – Clinical education experiences provide students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to clinical situations under the direct supervision and guidance of experienced clinicians. We would like to develop clinical placement agreements with your organization where appropriate in fields such as nursing, social work, counseling, etc.
  • Field Placement – Provides students with classroom observation and/or student teaching experience required for teacher certification
  • Full-time opportunity – Our graduates accept offers for full-time employment at various times of the year, sometimes up to a year in advance of the opportunity’s start date. Offers
    should be provided with reasonable timelines for students to make decisions with as much detail and transparency about the opportunity as possible.

*We are not including part-time work within this measurement. While we value students using part-time work as a prototyping opportunity, for purposes of this measurement, we will only focus on students who are utilizing their work experience as a part of their formal learning experience through the curriculum. For any of these definitions, our team is more than happy to consult with you on the development of new programs or refinement of existing programs.


Volume of alumni is a core component of what we value in a partnership. From newer hires to Falcons who have been with the organization for a while, we want to provide recognition to this pipeline of talent.

The Kuhlin Career Hub tracks your engagement across the academic year and evaluates it based on the model below:

Points % of Workforce No. of Alumni employees
3 10%+ 250+
2 5% 100
1 2% 25

The volume of alumni that work within your organization can be a key indicator of both historical success of our graduates as well as future opportunities for collaboration. We know that BGSU alumni thrive in the workforce. Our alumni that work for your organization help us keep close ties, understand the latest trends in your industry and ensure opportunities for future Falcons. Examples of meaningful alumni engagement can include alumni speaking in classes, participating in the Falcon Professional Network (FPN), engaging with other Falcons to help with mid-career transitions and pivots, and can offer their expertise on University advisory boards.



Investment is a core component of what we value in a partnership. Investing with BGSU leverages your resources to generate an impact on a broader level for students, faculty and staff members. The Kuhlin Career Hub tracks your investment through our Bowling Green State University Foundation partners across the academic year and evaluates it based on the model below:

Points Annual Lifetime
3 $100,000+ $1 million
2 $25,000-$99,999 $500,000
1 $1,000-$24,999 $250,000

BGSU strives to not only engage our students with industry professionals, but to also ensure students are learning with the most up to date equipment, technology, and infrastructure. Through the support of industry partners, BGSU students graduate prepared to have an immediate impact on your organization. Examples of the impact of your investment include:

  • Scholarships – reduce the cost of a quality education at BGSU.
  • In-kind donations – equipment and software donations allow students to train on current industry standards.
  • Infrastructure support – ensuring classroom technology and buildings are state-of-the-art.
  • Sponsored Research – collaborate with world-renowned faculty to solve industry’s latest challenges and meet opportunities.

How the Points Add Up

Points Engagement Type Criteria
3 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 5+ Engagements
2 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 3-4 Engagements
1 Brand Awareness And Involvement: 1-2 Engagements
Points Criteria
3 Hiring 10+ students between intern/co-op and full-time
2 Hiring more than 1 intern/co-op and hiring more than 1 full-time
1 Hiring more than 1 intern, co-op, or full-time
Points % of Workforce No. of Alumni employees
3 10%+ 250+
2 5% 100
1 2% 25
Points Annual Lifetime
3 $100,000+ $1 million
2 $25,000-$99,999 $500,000
1 $1,000-$24,999 $250,000

Tiers of Recognition

Benefits Friends
1-3 Points
4-6 Points
7-9 Points
10-12 Points
Post Positions on Handshake
Access to Career Fairs
Access to On-Campus Tabling Opportunities
Host On-Campus Interviews
Host Professional Development Workshops/Presentations  
Company Partnership Acknowledged on Kuhlin Hub Website  
Eligible to Serve as Host Location for Career Treks  
Personal Introductions to Faculty and/or Student Organizations/Clubs  
Eligible to Serve as a Subject Matter Expert in Classrooms  
Preferred Table Placement at Career Fairs    
Invitation to Sponsor Campuswide Events    
Custom Company Featured Events    
Quarterly Strategy Call with Career Connections Staff Member    
Invitation to Participate in Employer Advisory Committee    
Access to Hold Networking Hours at Prime Campus Locations    
BGSU Social Media Partner Showcase      
Company Spotlight on Main Page of Kuhlin Hub Website      
Annual Company Day on Campus      
Company Logo Displayed on Kuhlin Hub Employer Wall (Fall 2024)      
To grow with us

High Impact Recruiting Practices

The Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections is committed to creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with our external partners that seek to leverage talent across disciplines, increase student access to opportunity, and contribute to employer growth and success.

Serving as the front door to BGSU for companies, we proactively partner with you to understand needs, provide recommendations for support, and then follow-up to determine successful outcomes and/or opportunities to grow.

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  1. Low Level Engagement:
    • Handshake
    • Sending info/flyers on positions

2. Attend Career EXPO

  1. Establish relationship with the Career Connections team:
    • Discuss hiring needs, recruiting goals and recruiting strategy.
    • Join and participate in FPN
  1. On-campus engagement
    • Connect with recommended campus partners
    • Host onsite visits for students and/or campus partners
    • Serve as/provide a subject matter expert for target classes
    • Sponsor a departmental class project
  1. Higher Level Engagement:
    • Serve on an advisory board
    • Collaborate with faculty on a grant or project
    • Host an on-campus case competition

Ready to Partner?

For more information, contact:

Michael and Sara Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections

Bowling Green State University
225 Bowen-Thompson Student Union
Bowling Geen, OH 43403

Updated: 06/28/2024 04:09PM