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  • Efficient & Effective Processes
  • Student Success
  • Efficient & Effective Processes

BPR – Cancellation/Withdraw Process

This was a muti-area BPR involving Registration & Records, Admissions, Financial Aid, Bursar, Advising, Dining, Housing, and several colleges. The term cancellation and withdrawal processes are key to potential retention of a student. The goal of the BPR was to ensure that every business process need was being met, balanced with the need to identify points where campus intervention should take place to result in retention of the student. As part of the review, we identified the current state processes at various places in the life cycle of a student and developed recommendations to make the processes more efficient with the outcome to retain the student rather than cancel or withdraw them.

Project Sponsor: Office of Registration & Records

Updated: 12/04/2024 08:17AM