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ATC Transcript Service Modification

On 09/06/2022, the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) announced that the Articulation and Transfer Clearinghouse (ATC) is being retired and will no longer provide transcript services between Ohio Colleges and Universities. As a result, BGSU implemented electronic Transcript SEND and RECEIVE services by Parchment / PeopleSoft OVI Connector, Transcript RECEIVE services by National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) and temporary Transcript RECEIVE services from Ohio ATC (until all remaining Ohio colleges and universities have successfully transitioned away from Ohio ATC). This project also included transcript integration with PeopleSoft CSS, OnBase, Slate, and uAchieve and the decommission of Robo Registrar and Ohio ATC Transcript Send processing.

Project Sponsor: Office of Registration & Records

Updated: 12/04/2024 08:22AM