2022-23 Recipients

Audrey Nahri is a Nursing student in the BGSU School of Nursing. She spent several weeks in summer 2023 in Athens, Greece job shadowing at a private hospital. She was also able to travel Europe and explore on her days off. Audrey's Hoskins experience launched her Honors Project - a comparison of healthcare burnout in the U.S. and Greece.

The Hoskins Global Scholarship changed Audrey's life by giving her the opportunity to see the beautiful world and different cultures it holds. Traveling to Athens and interning in the hospital built a newfound confidence that she continues to use today.

Image of student standing along river in Athens
Image of student on dock

Natalie LaMacchia traveled to Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean in summer 2023. There she utilized her SCUBA certification to film underwater, and she explored island living. She is a dual major in Advertising and Film Production. She used her trip to inspire her Honors Project, a collaborative film project about managing invasive ocean species.

The Hoskins Global Scholarship allowed Natalie to see a new side of Bonaire, somewhere she traveled to many times before, and tackle the largest film project she has ever made. She can now show people not only the beauty of the ocean, but also a challenge that the island is currently facing. Through her experience as a Hoskins scholar, Natalie learned a lot about traveling, filming, and thinking on her feet, which has been helpful even back at home.

Updated: 06/18/2024 03:26PM