Ph.D. in Technology Management
The Ph.D. in Technology Management program is delivered in cooperation with five other nationally-accredited universities. Indiana State University is the degree granting institution. University of Central Missouri, East Carolina University, and North Carolina A&T are the other three members of the consortium. The Ph.D. in Technology Management is a web-based program designed to meet the needs of today's technical professionals by offering academically rigorous coursework and experience through distance education.
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Not only is the program unique, so are the students. Students enter the program to seek higher level positions within a technology-based organization or they desire a career change to higher education. Some common characteristics of the students in the Technology Management program are: full-time employment; significant industry experience; high level of motivation and desire to learn; fundamental appreciation and desire to understand technological issues; and location bound. The program offers five specializations:
Construction Management
Coursework within the construction management specialization is directed toward applied research, the advancement of the construction organization, and professional management leading to the effective and efficient control of the construction process.
Digital Communications
The need for faster and more efficient transmission, reception, storage, and retrieval of information in our high-change society has caused digital communications to be one of the fastest growing fields in technology. The purpose of advanced studies in this area is to increase the knowledge about the design and implementation of systems to communicate in a cost-effective manner.
Human Resource Development and Training
Human Resource Development & Industrial Training (HRD&IT) means the integrated use of training and development, organizational development, and career development to improve individuals, group, and organizational effectiveness. HRD&IT relies on more than one subject discipline and draws on theories and insights from education, management, industrial and individual psychology, communication, counseling, economics, sociology, and related areas of research.
Manufacturing Systems
A Manufacturing System can be defined as the means to operate and control processes that add value to a product. Another key characteristic of a manufacturing system is its ability to replicate the product profitably. While traditional manufacturing programs have focused on manufacturing technologies, manufacturing systems concentrates on the all activities and practices used to integrate an enterprise's production.
Quality Systems
The QSS program is dedicated to providing people with corporate leadership abilities and faculty for the profession. Graduates shall have a global vision encompassing quality systems. The primary QSS focus is to provide people with the ability to manage complex organizations to meet the requirements of customer satisfaction in public and private sectors.
The PhD in Technology Management program is presented as a model with four areas of required study. Courses are not identified, but topical areas of study are given, to assist the Graduate Consortium Coordinating Council in defining the parameters of an area of study. Examples of major areas of specialization were developed in greater detail as part of the proposal development process. These, and additional major areas of specialization, will be developed by the consortium universities that will offer the specialization. In all cases, the Graduate Consortium Coordinating Council is the governing body responsible for approval of curriculum. Here are some example courses for each area.
General Technology Core (12 hours)
The general technology core of studies is designed to provide a conceptual framework for studies in technology. This core emphasizes the relationship of technology to the societal context from which it operates. The core will be taught using internet technologies, or other approaches capitalizing on the unique expertise of professors at consortium member institutions. These courses will be required of all students.
ITE 679 - Strategic Planning of Technological Processes
3 hours - Indiana State University
Strategic planning is the process used by organizations to establish direction in response to perceived opportunities and threats. Procedures involve visioning, assessment, logistics, quantitative forecasting, and structural design. Alternative scenarios are created to forecast results of the plan.
DTEC 6800 - Internet Research Methods
3 hours - East Carolina University
The study and application of Internet tools used by individuals and groups to develop and expand ideas. Participants will develop expertise through interactive problem solving activities applied to their work environment. Activities will emphasize synchronous and asynchronous methods used by information intensive organizations to build profits through ingenuity and invention.
195/733 - Impacts of Technology
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
Technology continues to advance at a very rapid rate unparalleled in history. These changes have caused the world to become more interdependent and concurrently competitive. This course will address human adaptive systems, characteristics of technology, historical developments, and assess new developments. Speculation about future developments and impacts will be conjectured.
MFC 5015 - Legal Aspects of Industry
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
Legal aspects common to the industry, business, and government are part of the technological society. The structure of the legal system both nationally and internationally, laws which affect industry and technology, concepts of constitutional, civil, criminal, and administrative law will be studied. Ethical and moral implications will be discussed. The focus will be on legal concerns and corporate/societal responsibilities created by emerging technologies and global competition.
TECH 682 - Technological Systems, Assessment, and Innovation
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
The course offers a reflective and reactive study of technological systems, assessment, and innovation in local and global environments. Students will link their environments to a broader international context.
Research Core (27 hours)
The research component of the program is composed of course work in research design, research methodology, and statistical analysis. A dissertation of eighteen credits shall be completed after advancing to candidacy for the degree. The following areas of study are typical:
- Advanced Research Methods
- Statistical Analysis in Technology Research
- Field Research Projects
- Research Seminar
- Seminar in Technology Processes
- Dissertation Credit (registered with 1/2 credit at home university and 1/2 at Indiana State University. In addition, continuous registration is required once admitted to candidacy)
Technical Specialization (18 hours)
Specialization in a technical concentration is achieved by completing 18 credits of course work. Examples of program specializations have been identified for manufacturing, construction, digital communications, and others. It is anticipated that additional specializations will be developed with the changing nature of technology studies.
TECH 682 (710) - Advanced Practices in Construction Management
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Sustainable Design/Construction green building practices, environmental assessment, alternative construction materials, recycling of materials, EPA regulations are analyzed in different situations.
MF&C 7320 - Ethics and Professional Issues of the Construction Process
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
The course presupposes no formal training in ethical theory. Emphasis will be on critical thinking skills applied to issues experienced by practicing professional in Construction Management.
MCT 701 - Construction Data
3 hours - Indiana State University
Collection, Transmission, and Communication including bar coding, digital assistance, real time video conferencing, and use of data in the development, estimating, and contracting process are researched with application to the construction industry.
CMGT 6664 - Advanced Practices in Construction Management
3 hours - East Carolina University
Estimating and cost control bidding strategies, cost analysis, productivity statistical analysis based on data are applied to project development and contracting
AEC 702 - Risk Management of the Construction Process Site
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
Specific safety analysis techniques, decision theory required in construction management will be developed with emphasis on statistical decision processes and information control management. Models and analysis techniques will be applied to current projects.
MF&C 6315 - Legal Aspects of the Construction Process
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
Contractual issues, litigation, relationship of contractor/sub-contractor, relationships of contractor/owner from the perspective of a contractor on issues affecting design, procurement, and construction is examined.
MCT 702 - Construction Management Techniques
3 hours - Indiana State University
The impact on productivity by federal, state, and local laws and codes addressing labor practices, personnel, site logistics, marketing strategies are examined with attention to the political process.
TECH 711 - Construction Economics
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Life cycle costs, value engineering, management strategies, and the effect on the economy by construction projects with both national and international perspectives, and operations research are examined in the course.
CMGT 7600 - Construction Inspection and Quality Control Processes
3 hours - East Carolina University
Current codes and procedures in sampling, engineering standards, testing procedures and guidelines, data analysis using computer modeling and statistical analysis.
AEC 701 - Emerging Trends in Construction Managment of International Projects
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
Project delivery systems, remote sensing, 3-dimensional documentation, site logistics, construction materials and methods development, international law, cultural and demographic differences are applied to the construction process. Study will emphasize the international aspect of the construction industry.
ECT 631- Local Area Networks
3 hours - Indiana State University
Introduction to the Local Area Networks (LAN's) focusing on current and emerging technologies with emphasis on the OSI reference model, IEEE 802 standards, and the TCP/IP protocol. Need analysis, design, and implementation of new and procedures for upgrading LAN projects.
Prerequisite: DCS 630.
TCS 910 - Wide Area Networks
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
Wide Area Networks (WAN) and associated media devices and protocols will be examined. Design, simulation, and implementation of extranet and Internet WAN systems will be developed and tested.
Prerequisite: ECT 631.
TCS 730 Network Services for the Enterprise
3 Hours - North Carolina A & T
Principles of current wired and wireless services in the telecommunication industry are analyzed for systems and effectiveness. Projected trends and patterns of systems applicable to the industrial communication network will be researched.
ECT 735 - Network Services Administration
3 hours - Indiana State University
This course will cover system administration and management of network resources and services. Resource sharing, file/print/application servers, user policy, asset management, security, and data integrity issues for enterprises will be discussed.
DCS 750 - E-Commerce
3 hours - East Carolina University
An analysis of the technology used to support E-commerce for organizations. Specifications, technical requirements needed to implement an E-Commerce site will be examined. Data security, virus protection, streaming multimedia, and VR technology will be examined. Research on current developments and applied research situations will be introduced.
DCS 630 - Communication Technology
3 hours - East Carolina University
A survey of the issues and problems related to communication.
TECH 760 - Process Control in Networking Environments
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Principles and practices of system design will be examined. Process control, hardware and instrumentation required in systems will be analyzed. Data acquisition, distributed process control, PLC Networking are studied.
TECH 830 - Data Compression, Coding and Security
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Data manipulation to meet specific needs of various network clients is examined. Included are data compression techniques, video/audio compression, error correction and detection coding, data security and encryption for Intranet and Internet security.
TCS 831 - Regulatory and Policy Issues for Communication
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
An analysis of current government regulations applied to the communication industry nationally and internationally. The Communication Act, State Regulatory Commission, Pricing and Business practices, Peering and Interconnecting Agreements are examined.
ECT 850 - Topics and Issues in Digital Communication Systems
3 hours - Indiana State University
Students will use content and concepts studied in this Digital Communications to identify, investigate, and propose solutions to contemporary networking and telecommunication problems and issues. This course should be taken towards the end of the specialization.
TECH 76X - Theory and Research in Human Resource Development
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
The theoretical dimensions of Human Resource Development include research on Adult Learning, Social/Economic Factors, Standards for Practitioners, and trends in the profession.
ITE 656 - International and Cross-Cultural Training
3 hours - Indiana State University
The analysis, selection, design, implementation, and evaluation of training programs to increase functional capabilities in international and multi-cultural environments. Emphasis will be on communication strategies, human response to cultural settings, and procedures for increasing performance.
UW/S 170XXX, or BGSU TECH XXX, or ISU ITE XXX - Contemporary Problems and Issues in Human Resource Development
3 hours - Bowling Green State University, and Indiana State University
Current theories, problems, and procedures evolving in Human Resource Development and Industrial Training can serve as research topics. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
170-5XX - Systematic Design of Human Resource Development Programs
3 hours - Indiana State University
Several models of strategic planning will be analyzed including establishing benchmarks, cost estimating, instructional design, implementation, and operation. A focus of the course will be on the development of models for designing HRD&T programs will be developed with options for large and small size companies.
ITE 76X - Evaluation of Human Resource Development Programs
3 hours - Indiana State University
Several models for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation will be analyzed with the potential for new model development. Instrumentation, validity, reliability, and criterion measurement for competency will be studied. Return-on-investment and transfer in the work environment will be a focus.
TECH 78X - Evaluation of Learner Performance Improvement
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Theories and practices of improving individual performance are examined. Emphasis of the course will be placed on the development and evaluation of models to transfer of training in the workplace.
ITE 75X - Legal and Ethical Dimensions of HRD Practitioners
3 hours - Indiana State University
Federal and state legislation will be studied with application to the training profession. Review of safety, environmental, and human factor legislation will be reviewed with implications for effective design of training programs. Ethical implications for training curriculum design, evaluation of humans, and employment advising will be studied.
170/6XX - Management and Coordination of Training and Development
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
The role of internal and external consultants in the design, implementation, and evaluation of Human Resource Development activities will be the major focus of this course. Special emphasis will be on the evaluation of organizational change and development that occur during the process of developing and using human resources within the organization.
ITE 79X - Improving Human Performance in Organizations
3 hours - Indiana State University
Organizational development and the role of groups and individuals will be analyzed with implications for training and organizational systems. Focus will be on research studies to validate competencies and effectiveness of training initiatives. Intervention procedures including incentives, performance feedback, career management, counseling, coaching, and other feedback strategies will be researched.
TECH 69X - Career Development Theories and Techniques in HRD
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
The role of professionals as advisors, program designers, materials developer, administrator, and instructor/facilitator will be analyzed with implications for effective training. Focus will be on career development theories and practices.
Tech 60X - Computer Based Tools in Manufacturing
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Examination of contemporary analytical computer software used in manufacturing with critical analysis of the features of each system. Examples include CAD/CAM, FEA, simulation, and off-line programming.
ECT 634 - Computer-Based Automated Systems Integration
3 hours - Indiana State University
A study of the theory, design, and application of computer interfacing techniques for use in integrated automated manufacturing systems. Methods and procedures employed in the integration and control of automated industrial systems will be examined and evaluated.
MCT 671 - Systems in Manufacturing
3 hours - Indiana State University
The methods and techniques used to plan and predict allocation of the manufacturing organization's resources from procurement of raw materials to the distribution of the final product. Systems strategies and procedures will be analyzed.
ITEC 6200 - Project Management for Manufacturing
3 hours - East Carolina University
A procedural analysis of the management strategies used to control projects in order to achieve technical, managerial, and economic objectives. An emphasis is on the management controls, computer applications, human factors, and productivity is made.
ITEC 6112 - Analytical Studies and Planned Experimentation in Industry
3 hours - East Carolina University
Statistical techniques used to monitor and assess the performance of organizational processes will be applied with computer modeling. The emphasis is on planned experimentation to discover, explain, and provide opportunities for process improvement.
MF&C 6500 - Manufacturing Specialization
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
The application of systematic problem solving techniques and presentation skills required of professionals in the manufacturing industry will be examined using current research and research methodology. The course is designed to allow the student to experience an in-depth study of an area of interest in manufacturing.
MCT 700 - Human Relations and Leadership in Manufacturing
3 hours - Indiana State University
Models of organizational design, motivation, leadership, management, and management decision-making pertaining to the manufacturing enterprise. Prerequisite: An advanced or masters level course in supervision, organizational design, management or leadership.
MF&C 6525 - Manufacturing Economy
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
Economic factors related to a manufacturing enterprise and the influence of these factors on manufacturing in a global society are examined. Interrelationships and corporate interdependence in the international market are studied.
TECH 78X - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Management
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Advanced study of computer integrated manufacturing management through such topics as concurrent engineering, CAPP, MRP, database management, and GT.
MF&C 7550 - Current Issues in Manufacturing Emerging Technologies
3 hours - University of Central Missouri
Study is on current topics and trends in manufacturing technology. Each topic will examine issues, options, and implications having current and long-range impact.
IMT 812 - Reliability, Maintainability and Serviceability
3 hours - Indiana State University
This course introduces concepts, principles and techniques used in evaluation and assessment of reliability, maintainability and serviceability in industrial systems. Emphasis is given to theory and techniques to determine time-to-failure, failure rate, reliability and availability of components/systems, including strength-stress analysis, construction of reliability bath-tube curves (RBTC), failure mode and strength-stress analysis (FMEA), fault tree analysis (FTA).
Prerequisite: SOT 703 Advanced statistical methods in technology, or IMT607 Statistics for experimental research in technology, or an equivalent.
IMT 813 - Quality Standards Leadership
3 hours - Indiana State University
Management and leadership activities related to evaluating, creating and promoting quality standards.
QS 727 - Documentation-based Process Improvement
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Generation of model system for process improvement and technical problem solving for variation reduction based on documentation in teams at one or more organizational sites.
ITE 79X - Improving Human Performance in Organizations
3 hours - Indiana State University
Organizational development and the role of groups and individuals will be analyzed with implications for training and organizational systems. Focus will be on research studies to validate competencies and effectiveness of training initiatives. Intervention procedures including incentives, performance feedback, career management, counseling, coaching, and other feedback strategies will be researched.
IMT 811 - Experimental Design and Process Analysis
3 hours - Indiana State University
A focused course on the design and analysis of experiments for industrial applications and applied research. Topics include single factor models, blocking, factorial design, parameter design, process analysis, and response surface methodology. Emphasis is given to problem modeling, implementation and output analysis in applied research.
Prerequisite: SOT 703 Advanced statistical methods in technology, or IMT607 Statistics for experimental research in technology, or an equivalent.
QS 726 - Quality Systems
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Application of data-based tools in variation reduction for process improvement within broader quality systems. Assessing and designing a model system for data-based improvement within a technical project environment and quality system.
QS 702 - Quality Change Culture
3 hours - Bowling Green State University
Analysis and generation of model quality change culture based on actual quality and change-focused projects in organizations, primarily in service industries, through teams.
Prerequisite: TECH 602 or equivalent.
INMGT 796-700C - Strategic Concepts In Quality
3 hours - North Carolina A & T
A course designed to integrate internationally quality requirements, national quality schemes, and industry and commercial quality system requirements into defined quality system and process models. These models are designed to enable the student to identify appropriate quality system element and best-practice recommendations relative to specific industry and use applications. A strategic quality system vision is developed to plan, coordinate and implement business, product, and service processes.
IMT 814 - Quality Systems Seminar
3 hours - Indiana State University
In-depth critical analysis of important issues in the management of quality and the research of those issues.
Professional Studies (9 hours)
Professional Studies can be elective courses, independent study courses or scholarly work to assist with projects, industry internship, teaching internship, and/or other Specialization courses. Themes must relate to the field of technology management, the student’s career field or the student’s Specialization area. If credits in the Professional Studies section are not from formal courses, the student and supervising instructor will generate a contract specifying the tasks and outcomes.
Internship can be designed to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to test and experiment in industry, research organizations, government agencies, and other appropriate experiential ventures associated with technology utilization, transfer, and innovation for the express purpose of developing knowledge in the specialization. A personal assessment portfolio will be developed as a part of the internship experience. Previous experience cannot be used to meet the internship requirement.
Detailed application requirements can be found at Here is an overview of the minimum requirements:
- Hold a master's degree in a relevant field from an accredited university
- Have earned a minimum graduate grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
- Complete the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) within 5 years of submission of application
- Provide results of the GRE or GMAT (scores should be competitive with no minimum score specified)
- Provide five letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to applicant's capabilities of completing graduate-level coursework
- Provide a written career goal statement
- Provide a current curriculum vita
- Complete 6000 hours or three years of validated occupational experience relevant to the field of technology management and/or technical specialization
- Submit verification of occupational experience by providing letters of verification from employer on company letterhead that includes job title, description of duties performed, dates of employment, and evaluation of work performance
Application Website
Students will not be applying through BGSU. Instead, start your application on Indiana State's website and click the application that applies to your situation (example: Degree-seeking U.S. citizen). Select Ph.D. in Technology Management, a technical specialization, and the name of the Home University.
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Updated: 03/21/2025 03:33PM