
Toro WaterSmart Partner Award

BGSU was recognized in Spring, 2010 as a Toro WaterSmart Partner.  This award recognizes those institutions that have incorporate sound and sustainable water conservation principles into their campus operations landscape irrigation systems.

Water Bottle Filling Stations

Bottling and shipping water is the least energy efficient method ever used to supply water and only 30% of plastic bottles are recycled. BGSU recognizes the importance of finding a way to reduce the enormous carbon footprint that comes from drinking bottled water.

Water bottle filling stations provide ideal locations to fill up re-usable water bottles, decreasing the amount of bottled water purchased on campus.

Note: Filling Stations are symbolized as orange water drops in the map.

water bottles Reusable Water Bottles Eliminate Plastic Waste

Water Bottle Filling Station at the Student Union

Updated: 02/23/2024 04:13PM