Electronic Waste Recycling
2025 Community Electronic Recycling Drive:
Clear out your old and unwanted electronics responsibly! Drop them off at our Electronic Recycling Drive on Saturday, April 5th, from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Slater Family Ice Arena parking lot. Help keep e-waste out of landfills—bring your used electronics and recycle them safely! Students can volunteer on the green team for the event by signing up on BGSUserves.

Batteries, Electronics, & Printer Cartridges:
All types of batteries, electronics, & ink cartridges are recycled at BGSU through the Office of Campus Sustainability. This includes:
- Alkaline/single-use batteries
- Nickel/cadmium
- Lithium-ion
- All other types of batteries
- Cellphones, Cameras, Computers, anything that "turns on"
- Ink cartridges
- Larger appliances can be picked up through a maintenance request
We will be hosting our annual community-wide Electronic Recycling Drive on Saturday, April 5th from 9a.m.-1.pm. in the Slater Family Ice Arena parking lot. A full detail press release will be coming soon!
If your office would like to host a electronic waste recycling box, send an email request to greenbg@bgsu.edu
Hosting a collection box is easy! When it gets full, simply complete a maintenance request here:
Request E-Waste Pick Up
Locations for electronic waste recycling stations:
- BGSU Huntington Building
- Department of Environment Health and Safety - Jeremy Dick
- Department of Environment Health and Safety - Jeremy Dick
- Bowen-Thompson Student Union
- Information Desk (Ask attendant at desk)
- #231 - Conference & Event Services
- Central Hall
- #253 - Office of Academic Advising and Planning - Lobby
- #253 - Office of Academic Advising and Planning - Lobby
- Education Building
- #215 - Technology and Resource Center
- #310 - School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations - Main Office
- East Hall
- #212 - English Department
- Eppler South
- 1st Floor Lounge
- Fine Arts Building
- #1026 - Media Center
- Founders Hall
- #024 - Honors Loft
- Greenhouse
- #102 - Main Room
- Health and Human Services Buildings
- #200 - Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
- #106 - College of Health and Human Services
- #223 - Criminal Justice Program
- Jerome Library
- #151 - Student Athlete Academic Success Office
- Kokosing Hall
- Main Hallway - North Wing
- Kuhlin Center
- #103 - Jim Barnes' Office
- #103 - Jim Barnes' Office
- Life Science Building
- #429 - Conservation Biology and Population Ecology Lab
- McFall Center
- First floor lobby - Next to Recycling Station and Vending Machines
- Memorial Hall
- #201 - Department of Environment and Sustainability
- Moore Musical Arts Center
- #1031 - Main College of Musical Arts Office (Mailbox Room)
- Olscamp Hall
- #122 - Classroom Technology Services
- Overman Hall
- #161 - Chemistry Stockroom
- #190 - Geology and Geography Office
- #161 - Chemistry Stockroom
- Parking Services
- Main Office - Bob Manson's Office
- Psychology Building
- #300 - Psychological Services Center
- Building Lobby
- Shatzel Hall
- Sebo Athletic Cente
- Schoeni Administrative Suite
- Technology Building
- #124P - Tech Store
- University Hall
- #304C - Dr. Midden's Office
- #100 - Center for Community & Civic Engagement
- #200 - Office of Admissions
- Williams Hall
- #220 - Sociology Department
Perry ProTech (Konica Minolta and HP) Used Toner Cartridges:
University printer cartridges from university printers (printers that have a Perry ProTech sticker with ID number) can be recycled by:
- Dropping off empty printer cartridges by the elevator / loading dock door at the southeast corner of the 1st floor of Hayes Hall.
- Signing up for Konica Minolta’s free, mail-in program: https://www.cleanplanetprogram.com/register
Updated: 03/25/2025 01:52PM