Register Your Internship or Co-op

You have 2 options to register your internship or co-op:
COOP 50 or BA 4890:


(NO BGSU ACADEMIC CREDIT - Managed by the Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections)


  • Official record on your BGSU transcript (attractive to employers)
  • Full-time student status designated (even if only course reg. for in a semester - permits use of Rec Center)
  • Can be completed any semester (spring, summer & fall)
  • Increased employer involvement
  • Provide data that increases wages and jobs, helping future BGSU students


  1. Log-in to your Handshake account
  2. Once logged into your profile, click Career Center on the top task bar
  3. Click Resources
  4. Click on the corresponding CO-OP 50 Course Registration semester box
  5. Click on the CO-OP 50 form link and complete the form


OPTION #2: BA 4890

(FOR BGSU ACADEMIC CREDIT - Managed by the Schmidthorst College of Business)


  • Official record on your BGSU transcript (attractive to employers)
  • Full-time student status designated (even if only course reg. for in a semester - permits use of Rec Center)
  • Can be completed any semester (spring, summer & fall)  (IMPORTANT: You must adhere to BGSU Academic Calendar and Registration dates for the semester you are registering, DETAILED HERE: Office of Registration & Records)
  • Earn three (3) academic credit hours towards degree completion
  • Gain access to positions reserved only for credit-bearing employer programs
  • Increased employer involvement
  • Clarification of career goals/objectives, learned professional business practices
  • Provide data that increases wages and jobs, helping future BGSU students

BA 4890 - Business Internship Seminar

Career: Undergraduate
Units: 3.00
Grading Basis: S/U Student Option
Academic Group: Schmidthorst College of Business Admin
Academic Organization: Schmidthorst College of Business Admin
Applied experience for Schmidthorst College of Business students working in pre-approved internships or co-op programs. Program must be approved in advance by Business Career Accelerator (via online application) and/or that student's advisor. Written report and additional documentation required (via Canvas). No credit for students with other internship credit in the College of Business. Hours cannot be applied to any specialization. Work experience must be completed prior to graduation and during the semester said work experience occurs. Graded S/U, may be repeated up to 3 times.

  1. Perform all job duties according to your employer's instructions. 
  2. Credit is earned/granted only during the semester worked.
  3. Student cannot be self-employed.
  4. Can only be completed over 1 semesters' time, repeatable up to 3 times.
  5. Must be an admitted BGSU student, in a degree-granting program.
  6. Must work a minimum of 120 hours during 1 semester.
  7. Job duties must be related to major or specialization.
  8. Submit a photo of you performing a task at your internship/co-op (via Canvas)
  9. Answer 21 Reflective Questions (via Canvas)
  10. Submit a final evaluation of the course (online)
  11. Make BGSU proud and learn!
  • Integrate the academic program with employment in business through connected learning.
  • Clarify academic areas of study and personal career goals, enabling an accurate career plan.
  • Provide a link to professional markets, improving post-graduation job opportunities.
  • Attain a sense of responsibility and dependence on personal judgments, increasing maturity.
  • Understand multiple perspectives and increase skills in communication and human relations.
  • Become oriented to professional work culture and procedures, building effective and ethical business practices.
  • Foster an awareness of entrepreneurship.
  • Learn the seriousness and benefits of life and self-purpose through career engagement.

Updated: 06/20/2024 10:19AM