Written and Oral Communication Requirement
There is a written and oral communications form that needs to be submitted to the Economics department office. Signature by professor(s) indicates that the requirements have been satisfied. While we will accept one course for both the written and oral requirement, the department’s preference is to have two different courses used for these requirements.
Written Communications Requirement:
The written communication requirement can be fulfilled by one of the following:
- An economics course in which a paper (or other significant writing such as on exams) is required, or
- an economics readings course where the major outcome is a paper, or
- an economics course where you agree with the professor to write a paper
Oral Communications Requirement:
The oral communication requirement can be fulfilled by one of the following:
- oral presentation in an economics class or
- class participation in an economics class
Once the requirements are complete, please complete the written and oral communications form with the professor’s signatures and submit to the Economics department office. Typically, signatures are made after the course has ended. If near completion of a requirement is to the professor’s satisfaction, signatures can be obtained before the end of the course to accommodate graduating seniors.
Updated: 10/13/2022 09:17AM