Dr. Cook Earns Prestigious Presidential Award for Research Conducted with Graduate Students

Our dedicated business faculty are conducting valuable research with graduate students that not only impacts the graduate student’s experience and education, but impacts their fields. During the 30th Annual BGSU Faculty Excellence Awards Ceremony, Dr. Amanda Cook was presented the President’s Award for Collaborative Research and Creative Work by BGSU President Dr. Rodney Rogers, right, and Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Joe Whitehead, Jr.
This prestigious award recognizes innovative research and creative work conducted by faculty members in collaboration with graduate students. Dr. Cook, an assistant professor in economics, won this award based on her work with Alice Abboud ’17, ‘18, a graduate of both the Master of Accountancy and the master’s of financial economics programs.
Their paper is entitled “Differential Rates of Medicaid Uptake for Hispanics and Spanish Speakers under the Affordable Care Act” and is under review by the Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. Dr. Cook and Abboud also presented their paper at last year’s Midwest Economics Association. Since graduation, Abboud has gone onto work as a research assistant for the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC.
This is not the first time Dr. Cook has collaborated with a graduate student on a scholarly paper. Dr. Cook and financial economics graduate, Donovan Beachy ’18, the article “The Impact of Hurricane Matthew on School Attendance: An Analysis from Rural Haiti” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in January 2019 while Beachy was a student at BGSU.
Updated: 05/16/2019 09:06AM