Residence Life

When you join a Learning Community you move into an environment where friendships are natural and campus more quickly feels like home.

Living with individuals who share your same interests, you enjoy unique resources and opportunities that help you succeed in your personal, professional and academic lives.

Live and Learn with Students who Share Your Passions

  • Experience a smoother transition to university life
  • Earn higher grades
  • Graduate at higher rates
  • Participate in unique activities and trips
  • Get a head start with career networking that will help secure a job after you graduate.

Office of Learning Communities

Brett Holden, Ph.D.

Coordinator of Learning Communities

Greg Lytmer

Administrative Assistant

Find Your Community

Air Force ROTC Learning Community
Air Force ROTC Learning Community Major and Program Specific Learning Community
Army ROTC Learning Community
Army ROTC Learning Community Major and Program Specific Learning Community
Arts Village Learning Community
Arts Village Learning Community All Majors Fee Based Learning Community
Aviation Learning Community
Aviation Learning Community Major and Program Specific Learning Community
Business District Learning Community
Business District Learning Community Major and Program Specific Fee Based Learning Community
Chapman Learning Community
Chapman Learning Community All Majors Fee Based Learning Community
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Major and Program Specific Fee Based Learning Community
Global Village Learning Community
Global Village Learning Community All Majors Fee Based Learning Community
Honors Learning Community
Honors Learning Community All Majors Fee Based Learning Community
La Comunidad Learning Community
La Comunidad Learning Community All Majors Fee Based Learning Community
Music Community
Music Community All Majors Learning Community
Natural and Health Science Learning Community
Natural and Health Science Learning Community Major and Program Specific Fee Based Learning Community

Frequently Asked Questions

Most communities have a set of residence hall rooms specifically designated for them. To sign up for one of these rooms, you must apply and be accepted into the community. To ensure your chance to live in the community, please complete the following steps:

Step 1

Complete your housing application

Step 2 Fill out the Learning Community Application and login with your BGSU username and password
Step 3

Click the "Add" button in the top right corner, choose your desired community and select the current academic year/term

Please Note Students can apply for two communities. If you have applied for two and changed your mind, go into the system and withdraw yourself from the communities you are no longer interested in. This will open up a space for you again.

After you have submitted your request to join a community, you will receive an email from the community director approving your request. When it’s time for you to select your room in the next phase, you will be able to view and select rooms within the designated community space in the community’s residence hall. For example, if you choose to join the Music Community, you will select a room in Kreischer Hall.

Having Trouble Applying?

If you are experiencing any issues when you are trying to apply for this community or any others, please send an email to or contact Greg Lytmer at 419-372-2147 in our Learning Community Office so he can assist you. We are here to help.

Members of learning communities that are 'non-residential', receive the great benefits of belonging to a Learning Community but the community currently doesn't have a block of rooms inside a residence hall available to students to live in. A non-residential Learning Community may become a residential Learning Community in the future.

Some communities require students to live in the community in order to be a member. Others accept students regardless if they choose to live in the community. Check the page associated with each learning community you are interested in.

This is referred to as a pull-in. Some communities allow pull-ins, meaning you can choose to live with someone from the community or choose a roommate outside of the community. If the community does not allow pull-ins, you must select a roommate who is a member of the community. You can reach out to the learning community director to confirm if pull-ins are allowed in their community.

How to set-up a roomate pull-in

After you confirm that your Learning Community allows roommate pull-ins, here are the steps to get your roommate assigned to your room:

  1. Log in to your housing portal within MyBGSU during your assigned learning community room selection time and select a room showing "Number of vacancies: 2"
  2. Your roommate pull-in will then need to log in the same way you did, and "Confirm" the room you selected room

Please note: You will only be able to select a room in the residence hall your learning community is assigned to.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Student Housing.

If the community you are interested has a fee to join, the fee is applied per semester and is in addition to your Residential Fees. The fees are determined based on the types of experiences the community provides.

If you want to talk with someone about a specific learning community, use our request information form.

If you are uncertain which learning community would be the best fit for you, please email us at OR call us directly at 419-372-2147 and we'll assist you.

If you want to talk about one of our Learning Communities with Coordinator Brett Holden, stop by McDonald Hall room 1201A, the Office of Learning Communities, and meet us!

Updated: 01/16/2025 08:38AM