Department of Military Science and Leadership
151 Memorial Hall, 419-372-2476
Army ROTC at BGSU provides hands-on training in leadership, team building, problem solving, ethical decision making, and other management principles while preparing young men and women for exciting career opportunities in the United States Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard. The program focuses on aspects of leadership that will serve one extremely well whether pursuing a career in the military or in the business world.
Army ROTC consists of the basic course, offered to freshmen and sophomores, and the advanced course for select juniors, seniors, and graduate students. The basic course is open to most full-time, BGSU-enrolled students. Basic course students participate in two hours of course work each week. Uniforms and textbooks are provided. Classroom instruction is enhanced with participation in activities such as rappelling, rifle marksmanship, map reading, orienteering, and small unit leadership techniques.
Admission to the advanced course is offered on a competitive basis after completion of the basic course. Advanced course students must be academically aligned as juniors or have two full years remaining for degree completion. Students admitted to the advanced course will receive a tax-free stipend of $450 per month their junior year and $500 per month their senior year during each month of the academic year. Students can substitute prior military training or the ROTC Leader's Training Course for the basic course requirement in order to enter the advanced course.
Army ROTC also has four-, three-, and two-year scholarships for eligible students. Scholarships provide tuition, fees, textbook allowance, and a monthly stipend. BGSU also offers free room and board on campus for scholarship students who maintain a 3.00 or greater cumulative GPA
Students who successfully complete Army ROTC will earn a commission as an officer in the Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. They will gain and be able to demonstrate "real-world" leadership and management skills to future employers.
Updated: 03/16/2022 11:29AM