Aerospace Leadership Minor

Department of Aerospace Studies

164 Memorial Hall, 419-372-2176

The Aerospace Leadership minor is available to contracted cadets participating in the Air Force ROTC program and pursuing a commission in the US Air Force, and to those former cadets who completed the first two years of AFROTC program but were not selected for continuation due to medical disqualification, enrollment allocation non-selection and/or other non-waiverable conditions/reasons.

Minor (21 hours) - Spring 2019 course requirements

  • All students must complete at least 15 credit hours toward their minor that are not counted in the student's major or specialization or in another minor.
  • Grade of "B" or better in each of the required courses (15 credits) for the minor.
  • Required courses: AERO 3110, AERO 3120, AERO 4110, AERO 4120, AERO 4910.
  • All course prerequisites must be met.
  • All cadets must successfully complete Air Force ROTC Field Training.
  • All former cadets must substitute the Air Force ROTC Field Training requirement with an internship or co-op.

All students seeking a minor in Aerospace Leadership must attain a minimum of six credit hours from the list of authorized electives.

Updated: 03/16/2022 11:29AM