Mechatronics Engineering Technology
College of Technology, Architecture, and Applied Engineering
Department of Engineering Technology
264 Technology Building, 419-372-2439
Mechatronics Engineering Technology (ROBO) is a branch of engineering technologies that involves the conception, design, manufacturing, and operation of integrated systems. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, electrics and mechanics with application to diverse emerging fields including electromechanical systems, microelectromechanical systems, biomedical systems, mobile robotics, industrial robotics, automation, and many others. The program will prepare graduates to be technology leader; by engaging them in exciting mentor-based trainings and researchers that build advanced hands-on and technical skills that inspire innovation and that foster well-rounded life capabilities. The program will produce graduates ready to join advanced manufacturing industries and prepare them to the demands of the labor market in the area associated with the design, development, implementation, operation, management of mechatronics systems and its related fields.
Program Educational Objectives
After five years of graduation, the graduates of mechatronics engineering technology will demonstrate the following:
- Graduates will be able to combine knowledge with modern tools to solve real-world interdisciplinary engineering problems related to electromechanical systems and advanced manufacturing and robotics systems;
- Graduates will be able to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams;
- Graduates will be able to demonstrate continuous professional improvement including commitment to ethical responsibilities.
Updated: 03/16/2022 11:55AM