Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology
College of Technology, Architecture, and Applied Engineering
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology
264 Technology Building, 419-372-2439
Help shape the future. Start your career in the high demand, highly rewarding field of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (ENGT). ETAC-ABET accredited and housed in the Department of Engineering Technologies, ENGT combines relevant contemporary theories with a strong foundation in mathematics and science to prepare technical managers for exciting and in-demand careers such as process engineer, manufacturing engineer, quality engineer, and plant manager, among others.
ENGT uses your abilities to help create the systems of the future. Contemporary design methodologies and hands-on skills apply knowledge to real-world problems and projects for a professional preparation focused on leadership and technical management in the global marketplace. Two focus areas blend core foundational knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing strategies for technological managers focused on design of components and machines, organization competitiveness, production methods, and improvement for the future.
Updated: 03/16/2022 11:55AM