College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Theatre and Film
212 Wolfe Center, 419-372-2222
The theatre program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Theatre are expected to:
- Critically evaluate theatre as an aesthetic form and cultural text.
- Evaluate production and performance processes, aesthetic properties of style, and the way they shape and are shaped by artistic and cultural forces.
- Justify informed judgments about performance and production.
- Evaluate the social, economic, and technological factors that shape theatre from different historical periods, historically marginalized perspectives, and domestic and international cultural contexts.
- Make aesthetic judgment through interpretation and critical thinking about a variety of theatrical genres, performance broadly defined, and performances of everyday life.
- Demonstrate a sense of professionalism and independence through creative and intellectual engagement.
- Collaborate on specific theatrical production requirements as past of a production team.
Major, Bachelor of Arts (40 hours) - minor required - Spring 2022 course requirements
Minor (23 hours)
- THFM 1910; 2410; one of 1470, 1480, 1490, or 1500; and 3470 or 3480
- Electives at 3000 - 4000 level (12)
Major, Bachelor of Arts in Communication (no minor required) - Spring 2022 course requirements
Students with specializations in theatre must complete a 21 hour core of coursework.
BAC Students will also follow a specialization in either:
- Performance Studies (22 hours)
- Acting/Directing (21-22 hours)
- Design/Technical Theatre (22-23 hours)
- Youth Theatre/Puppetry (23 hours)
- Musical Theatre (35 hours)
* Note: admission to the Musical Theatre degree program is through audition only - contact the Department of Theatre and Film for details, 419-372-2222.
Professional Seminar Sequence
Theatre Majors participate in a series of three professional development and career preparation seminar courses designed to culminate in the senior year. Students begin with THFM 2980 - Theatre Studies in Practice I, where they will explore professional theatre organization and various aspects of theatre-related employment. In this course, they will begin to identify career goals and create a plan to attain those goals. In THFM 3980 - Theatre Studies in Practice II, students will build upon work done in THFM 2980. They will continue to examine the basis of a successful career in theatre and theatre related fields while building and compiling materials to prepare them for the presentation of auditions and portfolios. Juniors will be evaluated by in-hours adjudicators at the culmination of the class and provided feedback for future improvement. THFM 4980 - Senior Portfolio Review for Theatre is the final course in the series. In this course, seniors will continue to document the work they have done in their major and present finished portfolios and auditions to external adjudicators as a capstone event.
Theatre Production Program
The Department's Theatre Production Program serves as a laboratory for University students interested in theatre. Approximately four to six productions are presented each year, representing a wide range of dramatic literature in a variety of production styles, including both drama and musicals. The productions are presented in the Donnell Theatre and the Eva Marie Saint Theatre, both located in the Wolfe Center. Open auditions are held for all productions, and the entire University community is invited to participate. Opportunities are available for students to work in all aspects of theatre production, including acting, directing, designing, and crew work.
The Theatre and Film department offers grant-in-aid in acting, technical theatre, and film/video/multimedia production to qualified undergraduates. The grant-in-aids are awarded on a competitive basis, with students submitting applications, letters of recommendation, and completing a live audition or interview. Students interested in obtaining a grant-in-aid application packet should contact the theatre and film department office, 212 Wolfe Center.
Treehouse Troupe
Each year the award-winning Treehouse Troupe tours elementary schools throughout Northwest Ohio. Members of the troupe perform and conduct classroom workshops in participating schools.
Study abroad program
All BGSU undergraduate Theatre and Film majors may apply for participation in the BGSU/University of Wales student exchange program. If accepted into this program, students spend a semester studying theatre and/or film in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at the University of Wales, located in scenic Aberystwyth. Site of the largest undergraduate theatre program in Great Britain, the University of Wales is also the home of the prestigious Performance Research Centre.
Dance Minor - Spring 2022 course requirements
Updated: 03/16/2022 11:54AM