Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

A student whose cumulative BGSU grade point average is at least 2.0 is considered to be in good academic standing at the University.

The following table describes the conditions under which the student has unsatisfactory academic progress:

A student whose cumulative BGSU GPA falls below 2.0 at the end of the semester will be placed on academic warning, unless the student's GPA falls in the probation/suspension/dismissal range. If the student's GPA is in the probation/suspension/dismissal range, the student will be

  • Placed on probation if the student has attempted* fewer than 12 letter-graded credit hours at BGSU, or if the student's cumulative GPA is in the probation/suspension/dismissal range for the first time;
  • Placed on suspension if the student has attempted* 12 or more letter-graded credit hours at BGSU, and if the student has been placed on probation in any previous semester.
  • Dismissed if the student has attempted* 12 or more letter-graded credit hours at BGSU, and if the student has been placed on suspension in any previous semester.

*Attempted hours include all courses that contribute to the GPA, including those for which the student received credit by earning grades of A, B, C, or D or for which the student did not receive credit due to grades of F, WF, or I.

Students who are not in good academic standing at the University may not transfer credits from another institution until they have returned to good standing at BGSU. Because grades are not transferred to BGSU, courses taken at another institution may not be used to improve a student's GPA at BGSU.

Academic warning
If a student's cumulative BGSU GPA is in the warning range, the student is placed on academic warning and is encouraged to limit enrollment to no more than 12 hours in a given semester until the student is in good academic standing. Students on academic warning are expected to seek appropriate advice and services from their college office or another academic support area. Students on academic warning are expected to increase attention to academic activities and decrease hours committed to non-academic activities.

Academic probation
If a student's cumulative BGSU GPA is in the probation/suspension/dismissal range, the student will be placed on probation:

  • who has attempted fewer than 12 hours of letter-graded credit at BGSU; or
  • who has a cumulative GPA in the probation/suspension/dismissal range for the first time.

To improve their cumulative GPA to at least the warning range, students on academic probation are strongly advised to enroll for no more than 12 credit hours in any semester and are expected to work with their college office to develop a plan for improving their academic performance. Students on probation are expected to increase attention to academic activities and decrease hours committed to non-academic activities. It should be noted that teams, clubs, and other student organizations have the right to use academic standards to limit participation in their organization. In addition, the students on academic probation must adhere to any conditions as determined by the dean of their college.

Students who do not improve their cumulative GPA to at least the warning range will be placed on academic suspension if they have attempted 12 or more hours of letter-graded credit at BGSU.

Academic suspension
If a student's cumulative BGSU GPA is in the probation/suspension/dismissal range, the student will be placed on suspension:

  • who has attempted 12 or more hours of letter-graded credit at BGSU; and
  • who has a been placed on probation in any previous semester.

A student who has been suspended may not enroll at the University for a period of two consecutive semesters, including summer semester. Students suspended following the fall semester may not return to the University in the subsequent spring or summer semesters. Students suspended following the spring semester may not return in the subsequent summer or fall semesters. Students suspended following the summer semester may not return for the subsequent fall or spring semesters. The student may file a written appeal to the dean of the student's college and, if successful, be allowed to attend classes during the next semester.

A student who is suspended may continue enrollment if the student meets one of the following conditions:

  • if, during the previous semester, the student earned a semester GPA of at least 2.0; or
  • if permitted as the result of a successful written appeal to the dean of the student's college.

Until the student's cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or above, the student continuing enrollment or returning to the University following academic suspension is strongly advised to enroll for no more than 12 credit hours in any semester. Students are also expected to work with their college office to develop a plan for improving their academic performance. Students on suspension are expected to increase attention to academic activities and decrease hours committed to non-academic activities. In addition, students on suspension must adhere to any conditions as determined by the dean of their college.

Academic dismissal
If a student's cumulative BGSU GPA is in the probation/suspension/dismissal range, the student will be dismissed from the University:

  • who has attempted 12 or more hours of letter-graded credit at BGSU; and
  • who has been placed on suspension in any previous semester.

A student who has been academically dismissed may not enroll at the University for a period of three calendar years. The student may file a written appeal to the dean of the student's college and, if successful, be allowed to attend classes during the next semester. The student may appeal once during the dismissal period.

A student who is dismissed may continue enrollment if the student meets one of the following conditions:

if, during the previous semester, the student earned a semester GPA of at least 2.0; or

if permitted as the result of a successful written appeal to the dean of the student's college.

Until the student's cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or above, the student continuing enrollment or returning to the University following academic dismissal is strongly advised to enroll for no more than 12 credit hours in any semester. Students are also expected to work with their college office to develop a plan for improving their academic performance. Students on dismissal are expected to increase attention to academic activities and decrease hours committed to non-academic activities. In addition, students on dismissal must adhere to any conditions as determined by the dean of their college.

This policy became effective for all undergraduate students at the end of Fall 2000. The policy does not change the terms of suspensions or dismissals occurring prior to Fall 2000. Any probation or suspension that occurred prior to Fall 2000 will be counted in determining whether a student has been previously placed on probation or suspension.

Updated: 03/16/2022 11:53AM